Sen. Marshall Slams Schumer for Dragging Feet on NDAA Consideration, Blocking Floor Amendments

Source: United States Senator for Kansas Roger Marshall

Sen. Marshall Slams Schumer for Dragging Feet on NDAA Consideration, Blocking Floor Amendments

Senator will continue fighting to stop dishonorable discharges for unvaccinated servicemembers
(Washington, D.C., November 19, 2021) – U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. spoke on the Senate floor today after Majority Leader Chuck Schumer dragged his feet on bringing the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) to the Senate Floor, which resulted in no time being made available for floor amendments to be offered. While a package of amendment votes came together late last night, leader Schumer refused to expand the list and allow a robust amendment process to the NDAA, as is customary. Included in those blocked amendments was Senator Marshall’s, which would have stopped the Biden Administration from dishonorably discharging servicemembers for choosing to not get the COVID vaccine. In his speech, Senator Marshall said in part,
“…While he pointed his finger at Republicans who simply wanted the opportunity for additional amendments on important subjects, the Majority Leader is to blame for the fact that the other 75 Senators will not get to offer floor amendments and have an opportunity to help shape our military policy this year… This body should be able to vote on a myriad of amendments such as mine to prevent dishonorable discharges for military men and women who are forced to separate from the military because of the COVID vaccine mandate… President Biden wants to slap a dishonorable discharge on our unvaccinated heroes who put their lives on the line each day to defend our freedoms and our American way of life. A dishonorable discharge is excessive and beyond harsh… A dishonorable discharge treats those defending our freedoms as felons. But, our American heroes deserve better… I urge the Majority Leader to change course and allow a robust NDAA amendment process that includes a vote on my amendment when the Senate returns after Thanksgiving…”
You may click HERE or on the image below to watch Senator Marshall’s speech.

You may click HERE or on the image below to watch a highlight video of Senator Marshall’s fight against these dishonorable discharges:

The COVID-19 Vaccine Dishonorable Discharge Prevention Act was introduced by Senator Marshall on the heels of President Biden mandating millions of Americans to get vaccinated and the DOD issuing guidance stating that soldiers who refuse the vaccine will face “administrative or non-judicial punishment [under UCMJ] – to include relief of duties or discharge.”
Since introduction of the bill, the White House announced opposition to the Senators’ legislation and in turn doubled down in their support to give service members a dishonorable discharge for refusing the COVID vaccine. As such, Senator Marshall has offered his legislation as an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act.
Dishonorably discharged U.S. service members surrender the following rights and benefits:
Ownership of any sort of firearm or ammunition
Access to the GI Bill for further education
VA home loans
VA medical benefits
Military Funeral Honors
Re-enlistment in another military branch
Senator Marshall penned an op-ed for FOX News on his legislation – you may click HERE to read it. You may also click HERE or on the image below to watch Senator Marshall’s recent press conference on his legislation.

Senator Marshall has been leading the fight in the U.S. Senate to halt President Biden’s vaccine mandate and to get the Administration to recognize the importance of natural immunity.
Senator Marshall led a letter with several Republican Senators pledging to oppose ALL efforts to implement and enforce Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate particularly on upcoming spending measures considered by the U.S. Senate. More than a dozen Senators have joined Senator Marshall in this effort. You may click HERE for full text of the Senators’ letter to Majority Leader Chuck Schumer.
Following numerous roundtable discussions in Kansas City, Topeka, and Wichita with union workers who are literally faced with the decision of job or jab, Senator Marshall requested leaders of the Senate HELP, Agriculture, Small Business, and Energy Committees to hold hearings with Kansas union workers to discuss the vaccine mandates. These workers are at risk of losing their jobs over the mandate and in turn further exacerbating the labor shortage and supply chain crisis, and further stifling economic recovery. You may click HERE or on the image below for a recap video of Senator Marshall’s visits with union workers.

In September, Senator Marshall spoke on the Senate floor about an amendment he offered to the government spending package to prohibit funding for implementing or enforcing the Biden Administration’s COVID vaccine mandate on private companies. All 50 Senate Republicans supported Senator Marshall’s amendment. You may click HERE to watch Senator Marshall’s remarks.
In opposition to Biden’s vaccine mandate on businesses, Senator Marshall joined his colleagues in demanding a Congressional Review of President Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate on private employees before it goes into effect and oppose this unlawful, unnecessary federal command.
Senator Marshall joined his colleagues to introduce the Prevent Unconstitutional Vaccine Mandates for Interstate Commerce Act. As the Biden Administration is working to enforce vaccine mandates for businesses merely seeking to engage in interstate commerce, the legislation would protect the privacy of Americans’ personal health information and prohibit the Department of Transportation and other federal agencies from requiring proof of vaccination or the use of a vaccine passport for such activities.
Senator Marshall questioned U.S. Department of Labor Assistant Secretary for Employment and Training nominee Jose Javier Rodriguez recently on how he plans to handle the upcoming spike in unemployment rates caused by President Biden’s vaccine mandate. You may click HERE to watch the exchange.
Senator Marshall questioned U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Xavier Becerra and U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona on their intent to mandate vaccines for students in public schools despite the possibility of the CDC acknowledging natural immunity. You may click HERE to watch the exchange.
Senator Marshall penned an op-ed for The Hill, highlighting the importance of T-cell testing and natural immunity research in helping parents make informed decisions on COVID-19 vaccinations.
Senator Marshall led a letter with 14 other health care providers in Congress to the CDC urging the agency to acknowledge natural immunity from COVID-19. The letter also urges the CDC to work with other federal agencies to ensure all future policies and federally-funded research take into account natural immunity.