Ahead of 2021 Halifax International Security Forum, Shaheen & Risch Announce Additional Participants and Plenaries

Source: United States Senator for New Hampshire Jeanne Shaheen

November 18, 2021

(Washington, DC) – U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), a senior member of the Senate Armed Services and Foreign Relations Committees, and U.S. Senator Jim Risch (R-ID), ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, announced additional members of the bipartisan congressional delegation that they will lead to the Halifax International Security Forum this weekend, as well as new details surrounding panels and plenaries that will address the most pressing issues facing U.S. national security today.

Shaheen and Risch will be joined by Senators Tim Kaine (D-VA), Chris Coons (D-DE), Roger Wicker (R-MS) and Joni Ernst (R-IA). Shaheen will lead the first plenary on post-analysis of Afghanistan, entitled “After the Fall” on Friday, and on Saturday, she and Senator Risch will co-host a press conference with the entire delegation and convene a meeting with the U.S.-Canada Business Council. Senator Risch will lead a plenary with Senator Coons on Saturday, entitled, “Stand Together on China.” Members of the delegation will participate in a myriad of bilateral meetings with foreign officials throughout the duration of the conference, as well as other forum events. Other member plenaries will include:

  • Senator Kaine will lead “The Next 9/11: From Kabul or From California (or from some lab we haven’t heard of yet)?”
  • Senator Wicker will lead “Post-Pandemic: Heed Expectations, Heal Globalization”
  • Senator Ernst will lead “China’s Quantum Leap Backward”

More information on the 2021 Halifax International Security Forum can be found here. The Forum, including the Senators’ panels, will be live-streamed here.

“I’m proud to lead this bipartisan group of lawmakers to the Halifax International Security Forum with Senator Risch, who has been a great partner of mine on a number of issues impacting our national security, from pro-democracy reform in Georgia to supporting Ukraine against an increasingly aggressive Vladimir Putin,” said Senator Shaheen. “This bipartisan group of Senators underscores the unity and determination in Congress to drive U.S. foreign policy that best serves U.S. interests, adheres to our nation’s moral principles and maintains U.S. leadership on the global stage. It doesn’t always make the front page, but there is real bipartisan work underway in Congress on a number of pressing national security challenges, from bolstering U.S. competitiveness against growing Chinese influence, to holding autocrats like Vladimir Putin and Alyaksandr Lukashenka to account, and addressing the U.S.’ next chapter in Afghanistan to ensure the rights of women and girls are not forgotten. I’ve participated in the Halifax International Security Forum for about a decade, and it always provides a unique opportunity to not only address U.S. foreign policy, but to meet with and work beside our partners around the world. There is much to discuss and progress to be made. I look forward to all this year’s forum has to offer.”

“I am glad to join Senator Shaheen in leading a delegation to Halifax for the 2021 International Security Forum,” said Senator Risch. “This forum is a great opportunity to discuss the most pressing issues facing the United States and our transatlantic partners, including our competition with China and an increasingly aggressive Russia. I look forward to building on our long history of working together across the Atlantic, and appreciate our Canadian friends for hosting once again.”

“Every year, the Halifax International Security Forum gives us the opportunity to meet with our allies to discuss how to best address global security issues and develop diplomatic strategies,” said Senator Kaine. “As we continue to fight the COVID-19 pandemic and the climate crisis, working together with our allies is more important than ever. I look forward to productive conversations with my colleagues and our partners at this important forum.”

“The annual Halifax International Security Forum is a unique opportunity to share perspectives on global challenges that confront the United States and our allies,” said Senator Wicker. “I look forward to joining my Senate colleagues as we engage with experts, diplomats, and lawmakers from across the world. Together, we will represent the interests of a strong and proud America abroad.”

“I am honored to be a part of this bipartisan delegation to the annual Halifax International Security Forum.  When it comes to America’s role in the world, there is more that unites Republicans and Democrats than divides us and I am excited to have the opportunity to work with this Senate delegation to help advance U.S. values and interests during the course of this weekend’s events,” said Senator Coons. “We have a great itinerary with relevant high level meetings and plenary discussions ahead of us, and I look forward to listening to and learning from the democratic allies and partners of the United States.”  

“I look forward to engaging with some of America’s closest partners as we work together to address the security challenges facing our world—including those from near-peer adversaries like China and Russia,” said Senator Ernst, the first female combat veteran elected to the U.S. Senate