Daines Slams Biden Admin for Inflation Crisis, Anti-American Energy Policies Leading to Higher Heating and Gas Costs for MT Families

Source: United States Senator for Montana Steve Daines


U.S. SENATE — At a U.S. Senate Energy and Natural Resources hearing today, Senator Steve Daines called out President Biden’s inflationary crisis and war on Made in America energy that has led to higher electricity and energy costs for Montanans. Daines warned that this problem will only get worse if Biden and the Democrats pass their reckless tax and spending spree that furthers the Left’s agenda to eliminate conventional sources of energy.

To watch Daines’ full remarks, click HERE.

“According to the Energy Information Administration, Montanans who heat their homes with natural gas are expected to pay almost 24% more this winter than last winter. This trend is only going to get worse if we pass the Democrats’ reckless tax and spend bill. The reckless tax and spend bill slaps Montana businesses with new fees, taxes and regulations that will drive energy prices up and kill jobs.”

Daines stressed that Democrats’ plans to raise royalty rates and impose new taxes on American energy development would only result in higher prices for Montanans and less energy production. Watch and download the remarks HERE

He also emphasized the need to support made in America energy and raised his concern that reducing American energy production just increases U.S. reliance on foreign energy sources like Russia. Watch and download the remarks HERE.

Earlier today, Daines introduced a bill to support America’s energy independence and energy jobs by requiring the Biden administration to immediately restart oil and gas leasing and promote domestic oil, gas, wind, solar and geothermal production on federal lands and waters.

“Biden’s war on Made in Montana and Made in America Energy is crushing U.S. energy independence, killing American jobs, and sending us head first into a European-style energy crisis with sky high energy prices. We must do what we can to bring back Made in America energy jobs and restore our global energy dominance by supporting an all-of-the-above energy portfolio which includes oil, gas, wind, solar and more,” Daines said.

Earlier this year, President Biden issued a ban on all new oil and gas lease sales on federal lands. Despite a federal judge blocking Biden’s ban, Biden’s administration has not yet held an oil and gas lease sale in Montana. The bill focuses on promoting an all-of-the-above energy strategy by supporting energy leasing.

For a one pager on the Supporting Made in America Renewable and Traditional (SMART) Energy Act, click HERE.

Read the bill text HERE.


Daines has been leading the fight in the U.S. Senate against President Biden’s anti-American energy agenda.

Earlier this month, Daines slammed President Biden for his “Methane Reduction Action Plan” that will impact nearly every sector in the economy.  

In October 2021, Daines pressed one of Biden’s nominees to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to commit to using the role to ensure Montanans have access to affordable, reliable energy, even if that means utilizing oil, gas and coal.

In September 2021, Daines raised the importance of supporting Made in Montana and Made in America energy to avoid the kinds of energy shortages currently hitting Europe and ensuring Montanans have reliable access to affordable energy.   

In February 2021, Daines introduced the “Keystone XL Pipeline Construction and Jobs Preservation Act” to authorize the continued construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline following President Biden’s decision to revoke the cross-border operation permit.


Contact: Katherine McKeoghKatie Schoettler