ICYMI: Senator Scott Hosts Fox’s Brian Kilmeade in Charleston for ‘Day in the Life’ Episode

Source: United States Senator for South Carolina Tim Scott

Friday | November 12, 2021

WASHINGTON – This week, U.S. Senator Tim Scott (R-S.C.) hosted Fox News’s Brian Kilmeade in Charleston, S.C., to film a special, two-part episode on what a “Day in the Life” is like in Sen. Scott’s hometown.

Part one featured a sit-down conversation between Sen. Scott and Kilmeade on how Sen. Scott entered politics and how he views the progress the country has made.

Click to watch part one

On how race played into his election … “I’m not called to serve [only] Black people — I’m just called to serve Americans. I think it says a lot about our country and it says a lot about South Carolina that they chose me … to be their senator. I like talking about the evolution of the southern heart. Because the state I live in is not the state that my grandfather was born in. … We have evolved so much in so little time that access to real opportunity — being judged by your character and not your color — is my reality.”

On the way out of poverty …  “I’ve seen the government come in with good intentions to help people, but it just made you a little more comfortable in your poverty [and never provided] an escape route. We on the Right? We provide the escape route.”

Part two featured the men exploring various sites in Charleston, including the impoverished neighborhood where Sen. Scott grew up, and discussing his personal story.

Click to watch part two

On his childhood and learning personal responsibility … “At 13 years [old], I started working at a gas station checking oil and pumping gas … I worked at a movie theatre, [and] I sold vacuum cleaners door-to-door. One of my mentors … prepared me for a future that I could not see. … One of the most powerful weapons he gave me was individual responsibility. And as a kid who thought that sports was the only way out of poverty, he started saying ‘have a backup plan.’”

On gratefulness for his mother … “The most exciting part of this journey is watching [my mom] experience the fullness of America — watching her travel with me around the country. People come walking up to talk to her and thank her for the way she raised me. That probably means more to me than anything else.”


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