NH Delegation Holds Press Conference in Manchester Touting NH Priorities Secured in Infrastructure Bill

Source: United States Senator for New Hampshire Jeanne Shaheen

November 09, 2021

**Shaheen was a Lead Negotiator of the Infrastructure Package, Steered Bipartisan Talks on Broadband & Water Infrastructure**? 

**Hassan Helped Negotiate Bill, Secured Key Provisions on Broadband, Passenger Rail, Coastal Resiliency, and Cybersecurity** 

(Manchester, NH) – Today, the New Hampshire congressional delegation held a press conference by the Amoskeag Bridge in Manchester, highlighting the robust investments that will benefit the Granite State in the bipartisan infrastructure bill. The House of Representatives passed the bipartisan infrastructure legislation on Friday, which Shaheen and Hassan helped steer key negotiations around. The bill cleared the Senate in August and now heads to the President’s desk to be signed into law. 

This package will provide a significant investment in our nation’s core infrastructure priorities – including roads and bridges, rail, transit, ports, airports, the electric grid, water systems and broadband. It is estimated to bring New Hampshire more than $1 billion to repair roads and bridges, more than $400 million to improve the state’s water infrastructure and a minimum of $100 million to build out high-speed internet access.

Joining Senators Shaheen and Hassan and Representatives Kuster and Pappas were Manchester Mayor Joyce Craig, New Hampshire Department of Transportation Commissioner Victoria Sheehan and New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services Assistant Commissioner Mark Sanborn. 

“Granite State families deserve safe bridges and roads, clean water, reliable public transportation and access to high-speed internet. And that is precisely what the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act will do,” said Senator Shaheen. “Standing in front of the Amoskeag Bridge – a red list bridge – I was glad to send a message loud and clear to Granite Staters that federal resources will soon be on the way to repair our hard infrastructure and invest in working families, whether that’s expanding access to broadband or addressing the effects of climate change that hurt our coastal communities. The benefits of the bipartisan infrastructure bill are going to make lasting changes in New Hampshire that will lift our cities and towns throughout the state. As a lead negotiator of this legislation, I’m proud to see Congress get it over the finish line and look forward to seeing the President swiftly sign it into law.” 

“Passage of the bipartisan infrastructure package is a true game changer for New Hampshire,” said Senator Hassan. “The investments in this bill will pave the way to create new jobs, help our economy thrive, and outcompete China. I was glad to work with members of both parties to write this bill based on the needs of and feedback from Granite Staters, and it is a reminder of what is possible when Republicans and Democrats work together to get results for the American people.”

“The bipartisan infrastructure package represents a milestone in our efforts to invest in the future of Granite State families and our economy,” said Congresswoman Kuster. “From delivering critical funding to bolster broadband access in our rural communities to expanding rail and repairing our roads and bridges, this bipartisan legislation comes at a critical time for New Hampshire. I was proud to advocate for key New Hampshire priorities to keep our infrastructure safe and competitive, create millions of jobs, and support hardworking families.”

“The investments in this bill are not Democratic or Republican priorities, they are bipartisan, common-sense solutions of local and national significance,” said Congressman Pappas. “This infrastructure bill will create good-paying jobs right here in New Hampshire and allow the United States to regain our competitiveness. Funding will help New Hampshire complete critical road and bridge projects, expand transportation options, upgrade aging water systems, deliver broadband to homes and businesses without service, and spur economic development. It’s time to get to shovels in the ground, and I look forward to President Biden signing this bill into law as soon as possible so the work of repairing and modernizing our infrastructure can begin.”

“Investment in transportation is critical to our economy and the quality of life in New Hampshire. This is why engaging constituents and understanding their transportation needs is so important. With the passage of the IIJA the department will be working to update the draft ten year plan for 2023 through 2032. We will be programming the additional funds and incorporating the feedback that we heard through the public hearing process that just concluded,” said New Hampshire Department of Transportation Commissioner Victoria Sheehan.

“Thank you to our entire New Hampshire Congressional Delegation for their hard work and support of the programs in this legislation. This bipartisan infrastructure bill will…build on the work already being done to improve infrastructure projects of all types and invest in clean drinking water for all Granite Staters through the funding in the drinking water and clean water state revolving funds,” said New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services Assistant Commissioner Mark Sanborn. “A big thank you to Senator Shaheen and her staff who worked tirelessly with DES Commissioner Bob Scott to include a provision in the bill to restore the exemptions for the Contribution in Aid of Construction tax, also known as CIAC, that applies to privately owned but publicly regulated utilities.”

In June, Shaheen joined President Biden and a bipartisan group of senators to announce the framework of the package. Shaheen joined members of the bipartisan group on the Senate floor to unveil bill text of the legislation in August. Shaheen was a key negotiator and led provisions on broadband and water infrastructure. The bill also includes provisions from bills sponsored by Shaheen that would help New Hampshire finance additional transportation infrastructure projects and address structurally deficient bridges across the state. Senator Hassan also helped to negotiate the bipartisan bill, and secured a number of key provisions to support New Hampshire, including to build out high-speed internet access, expand passenger rail, strengthen coastal resiliency, and invest in state and local cybersecurity.  

During the press conference today, the delegation discussed key New Hampshire priorities included in the bill. Below is a brief summary that highlights some of the funding Granite State communities can expect to see after the bill is signed into law: 

  • Repairing and rebuilding New Hampshire roads and bridges: Under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, the Granite State will receive at least $1.1 billion for federal-aid highway apportioned programs and $225 million for bridge replacement and repairs over the next five years. New Hampshire will also be eligible to compete for the $12.5 billion Bridge Investment Program for economically significant bridges and nearly $16 billion of national funding in the legislation that is dedicated for major projects that will deliver robust economic benefits to communities. 
  • Improving public transportation: New Hampshire will be eligible to receive at least $125 million over the next five years to improve public transportation options across the state. 
  • Increasing access to high-speed internet: Under the infrastructure bill, New Hampshire will receive a minimum allocation of $100 million to help provide broadband coverage across the state, including providing access to the at least 42,800 people in New Hampshire who currently lack it.  
  • Combating the effects of climate change: New Hampshire is expected to receive $5.6 million over five years to protect against wildfires. Granite Staters will also benefit from the bill’s historic $3.5 billion national investment in weatherization and additional investments in energy efficiency, which will reduce energy costs for families and small businesses.  
  • Delivering clean water to every household: New Hampshire should receive $418 million over five years to improve water infrastructure across the state and ensure that clean, safe drinking water is a right in all communities.  
  • Investing in Granite State airports: Under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, airports in New Hampshire would receive approximately $45.6 million for infrastructure development for airports over five years.  
  • Bolstering our cyber networks: Especially critical as New Hampshire communities have fallen victim to nefarious ransomware attacks, bolstering our state’s cybersecurity has never been more crucial. Under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, New Hampshire should receive $12.4 million to protect against cyberattacks. 
