Daines: Biden Admin Provided Insufficient Response, Answers on Afghan Parolee Charged with Sexual Assault in MT

Source: United States Senator for Montana Steve Daines


U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines today received a response from U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to his letter demanding answers about the Afghan parolee arrested in Missoula and the vetting process for all Afghan evacuees placed in the country as a result of Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. Senator Daines issued the following statement. 

“Once again, DHS offers little detail and leaves many questions unanswered. This is unacceptable. I’m very concerned that the vetting process that allowed Zabihullah Mohmand into our country is not following federal law and has resulted in dangerous situations for our communities. As the fallout of Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan continues, we must get detailed answers on who is being brought into our country and why. I will continue to demand thorough responses from DHS for the sake of our Montana families and communities,” Daines said.

DHS failed to sufficiently answer the following questions from Senator Daines:

  1. Why was Mr. Mohmand brought to the United States and granted humanitarian parole status? Please provide detailed background and biographical information. 
  2. Did Mr. Mohmand work with U.S. armed forces in Afghanistan or any other U.S. government entity?
  3. Prior to being granted humanitarian parole status, was Mr. Mohmand potentially eligible for the Special Immigration Visa program, or P1, P2, or P3 refugee status? If so, please elaborate. 
  4. What screening and vetting procedures did DHS and other U.S. government agencies conduct pertaining to Mr. Mohmand specifically?
  5. Did DHS or any other U.S. government agency interview Mr. Mohmand at any time during screening and vetting? If so, please detail what was learned during these conversations. 
  6. Did Mr. Mohmand commit any suspicious conduct while at a U.S. military base prior to his resettlement to Missoula?

Read Secretary Mayorkas’ full response to Daines HERE. 

Earlier this morning, Senator Daines spoke with Secretary Mayorkas and White House officials about the Afghan parolee arrested in Montana. He continued to press for more detailed information and answers on the steps that were taken to vet this parolee including whether or not he completed an application for employment authorization, which would include a further layer of vetting. The Secretary was unable to confirm if Mohmand filed an application. 


On October 22, Daines fired back against the Biden administration’s weak response to an Afghan parolee being charged with sexual assault in Montana. His letter came after the Administration released a vague statement on the Missoula sexual assault case that included zero details about the arrested Afghan parolee and the steps taken to vet him before allowing him into the country.  

On October 4, Daines sent a letter to the Biden administration demanding answers about their current vetting procedures for Afghan evacuees calling them “unclear and incomplete,” and asking the Administration to pause the resettlement of parolees already in the U.S. until questions are answered.  

On October 1, Daines introduced a resolution that would establish a bipartisan Joint Select Committee on Afghanistan to conduct a full investigation into President Biden’s disastrous withdrawal out of Afghanistan.

On September 20, Daines pressed DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for clear details on the vetting process used for evacuees out of Afghanistan before they enter the United States to ensure the U.S. is not granting entry to dangerous individuals or child traffickers.  

On September 2, Daines called for answers from the Biden administration about the Americans and Afghan allies left behind and about the vetting process for individuals who are being brought to the United States. 

On August 20, Daines demanded accountability and action from President Biden over the reckless loss of more than $80 billion in military equipment and weaponry in Afghanistan.


Contact: Katherine McKeoghKatie Schoettler