Thune: Voters Reject Democrats’ Radical Agenda

Source: United States Senator for South Dakota John Thune

U.S. Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) today delivered the following remarks highlighting that voters have rejected Washington Democrats’ radical tax-and-spending policies, which are out of step with the needs of the American people.
Thune’s remarks below (excerpts):

“There’s a lot of interpretation about what happened in these off-year elections last night. Obviously, the results in two traditionally Democrat-leaning states are causing people to speculate about what it all means.”

“But some of what I heard this morning from Democrat analysts was that this is evidence that the Democrat Party needs to double down on the big, reckless tax-and-spending bill because people who voted in Virginia, in New Jersey last night didn’t know what was in it. And when they find out all the good things that are in it, they’re going to love this, and they’re going to want to support Democrats.
“And I have to say, Mr. President, I think that completely misses the point. I think what people are saying is they don’t want to hand the keys to their lives to Washington, D.C. This massive, reckless tax-and-spending spree that’s being contemplated here by Senate Democrats is historic in its sweep, its expansion, its growth of government, its cost, its price tag, and it’s historic in terms of the amount of taxation that will be put on the backs of the American people in order to pay for it. 
“And I think what happened last night was a repudiation. It was a repudiation of the nanny state and its belief that Washington knows best. And that we should get people in this country more dependent upon Washington, D.C. I think what the American people are saying is we don’t want to be more dependent on Washington, D.C.”

“Mr. President, I hope that this will be a resounding message that we need to defeat this massive tax-and-spending bill and allow the American people the freedom that they need to lead their lives and to have better opportunities for them, for their kids, and for their grandkids and better wages.”