Daines Calls on Senate Democrats to Act on His Bill to Return Grizzly Bear Management Back to Montana

Source: United States Senator for Montana Steve Daines


U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines is calling on Senate Environment and Public Works Chairman Tom Carper (D-Del.) and Senate Democrats to take action on his bill, the “Grizzly Bear State Management Act of 2021,” to return grizzly bear management in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem back to Montana. 

“As members representing the states impacted by the recovery of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE) grizzly bear, we write to ask for immediate consideration of S. 973, the Grizzly Bear State Management Act of 2021… The legislation is simple but of utmost importance to the lives and livelihoods of our residents and all Americans who visit the Greater Yellowstone region,” the letter states.

“Grizzlies are moving well beyond areas where the bears can exist, causing loss of human life, damage to livestock, and eroding public support for the recovery of this iconic and important species. Clearly, this is not good for either public safety or the welfare of the animal,” the letter continues.

Read the full letter HERE.

Both Senators from Wyoming and Idaho, and Montana’s Daines joined the letter.  


In July, 2021, Daines continued his push for DOI Secretary Haaland to listen to the science and delist and return management of the grizzly bear back to Montana. 

In April 2021, Daines urged DOI Secretary Haaland to commit to following science and delist the grizzly.

In March 2021, Daines introduced the “Grizzly Bear State Management Act of 2021,” which would remove grizzly bears in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem from the Endangered Species List, prevent further obstruction in the courts, and return management of the species back to the hands of Montanans. 


Contact: Katherine McKeoghKatie Schoettler