Rubio, Scott Introduce Bill to Eliminate Work Disincentive for Seniors

Source: United States Senator for Florida Marco Rubio

Washington, D.C. — U.S. Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Tim Scott (R-SC) introduced the Senior Citizens’ Freedom to Work Act to repeal the Social Security Retirement Earnings Test (RET) to allow Social Security recipients that are below the full retirement age to earn private income without losing benefits.
“Senior citizens should not have to work fewer hours just because they fear missing out on the retirement benefits they have earned,” Rubio said. “This common-sense bill would clear up confusion and allow senior citizens to work before reaching full retirement.”
The RET cuts seniors’ Social Security benefits in half if they are below full retirement age, are employed, and earn more than $18,960. Although lost benefits are replaced at full retirement age, many seniors are unaware that their benefits will be replaced and, consequently, choose not to work or choose to work fewer hours to stay below the threshold.