Daines to Garland: Stop Intimidating, Silencing Montana Parents

Source: United States Senator for Montana Steve Daines


U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines slammed U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland for issuing a memorandum directing government agencies to investigate Montana parents who provide input to local school boards. Daines is demanding Garland rescind the memorandum and stop silencing Montana parents.

“While any actual threat of violence is inappropriate, it was unacceptable for the Department of Justice to make a blanket declaration that parents exercising their First Amendment rights and expressing their views at local school board meetings may warrant investigation by federal law enforcement. This scenario has already had a chilling effect on free speech in Montana and eroded confidence in public schools even further,” Daines wrote.

“We are blessed to live in a country where we are free to express our views, and your actions set a dangerous precedent. I urge you withdraw this excessive and misguided memorandum without further delay. Thank you for your prompt attention to this important matter,” Daines continued.

Read the full letter HERE.

This comes after Attorney General Garland testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee and failed to provide assurances that he would respect parent’s rights.

Yesterday, Senator Daines met with Montana Superintendent of Public Instruction Elsie Arntzen to discuss issues facing Montana parents and students. In light of Attorney General Garland’s memorandum going after Montana parents, they spoke about the importance of empowering Montana parents to defend their children and hold public officials accountable.

For TV elements, click HERE.

Statement of Support: 

“There is blatant, egregious overreach coming from the Biden Administration directed at silencing parents. Montana school boards are elected locally; interference from the top down cuts to the heart of the purpose of education. The flagrant attempt to remove parents from any educational discussion impacting their children is an injustice. I wholeheartedly support Senator Daines’ request of U.S. Attorney General Garland.” –StateSuperintendent Elsie Arntzen

Contact: Katherine McKeoghKatie Schoettler