Rounds, Inhofe Introduce Indian Buffalo Management Act

Source: United States Senator for Oklahoma James Inhofe

U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) joined Sens. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.), member of the Senate Indian Affairs Committee, Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.), Tina Smith (D-Minn.) and Ben Ray Luján (D-N.M.) in introducing the bipartisan Indian Buffalo Management Act, legislation to create a permanent buffalo program at the U.S. Department of the Interior and help promote and develop tribal capacity to manage buffalo.

“The American buffalo is more than the state animal of Oklahoma – it is a respected and honored resource for Native American communities in Oklahoma and across the country. I’m proud to cosponsor the Indian Buffalo Management Act, which will empower tribes to manage buffalo population, conserve habitats and restore cultural ties to the American buffalo,” Inhofe said.  

“The American buffalo is a treasured animal and resource for Native American communities across the United States,” said Rounds. “The Indian Buffalo Management Act gives tribes the capacity to manage their buffalo populations, utilize the many benefits from buffalo and provide input into federal buffalo management policy. I am committed to helping tribes in South Dakota restore their historical and cultural ties to buffalo herds and make certain that this is a meaningful step for Native American communities.” 

Principal Chief Chuck Hoskin Jr. of the Cherokee Nation said, “This is really a great piece of legislation, and we are appreciative that Senator Inhofe has agreed to co-sponsor the bill in the Senate, as we are that Oklahoma Representatives Mullin, Cole, and Bice have in the House. The Cherokee Nation has reintegrated Buffalo into our culture owning a herd on our reservation for not only food sustainability but also the cultural significance to the Cherokee people, We are dedicated to reestablishing our oral and cultural traditions that were once passed down regularly between generations and we therefore want to ensure that our buffalo herd has long term viability. The Indian Buffalo Management Act is a great step in that direction.”

Chief Craig Harper of the Peoria Tribe of Oklahoma said, “We are very pleased to hear the news that Senator Inhofe has introduced the Indian Buffalo Management Act with a number of his Senate colleagues including Senators Rounds, Heinrich and others.  The Oklahoma delegation is doing things right as Representatives Cole, Mullins and Bice have lent their names to the companion bill in the House. The Peoria Tribe has worked closely with the InterTribal Buffalo Council, and they have been helpful in the advancement of the reestablishing of  our herd.  Buffalo were of immense importance to the culture and diet of our people and we strongly support this legislation which will help Tribes establish and enhance such herds. This will also help with job creation. On behalf of the Peoria Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma, we thank Senator Inhofe and the other supporting legislators, in both chambers and on both sides of the aisle for this great bi-partisan legislation.”

The Indian Buffalo Management Act provides secure, consistent funding for tribes and tribal organizations that have an established buffalo herd and management program, as well as provides the opportunity to expand the program to other interested tribes. The American buffalo is also referred to as bison.

The legislation creates a permanent buffalo restoration and management program within the Department of Interior to:

  • Promote and develop the capacity of tribes and tribal organizations to manage buffalo and buffalo habitat.
  • Protect and enhance buffalo herds for the maximum benefit of tribes.
  • Include tribes in the Interior Department’s decision-making regrading buffalo.