Crapo: We Have a Responsibility to Enhance Care Quality, Not Constrain Consumer Choices with Burdensome Regulations

Source: United States Senator for Idaho Mike Crapo

October 20, 2021

Washington, D.C.–At a Senate Finance Committee hearing entitled, “Health Insurance Coverage in America: Current and Future Role of Federal Programs,” Ranking Member Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) raised concerns about current proposals in Congress that risk moving creative, market-based health care models in the opposite direction and potentially leading to dire consequences for Americans.  Senator Crapo also addressed the responsibility of enhancing care quality to increase affordability and improve access to lifesaving services. 

To view Senator Crapo’s full opening remarks, click HERE.

Key Excerpts: 

“As we look toward the future of our health care system, we have a responsibility to enhance care quality, to increase affordability and to improve access to lifesaving services and treatment options, from diagnostics to cutting-edge therapies.”


“In addition to exacerbating inflation and weakening our economic recovery, the trillions of dollars in taxing and spending proposed by House Democrats would advance a range of policies that could hinder health care outcomes and drive up costs, with taxpayers bearing the burden. 

“The proposed drug price controls, imposed under the guise of negotiation, pose a threat to our global leadership in biomedical innovation.” 


“The Administration has also taken a series of steps that risk constraining consumer choices, delaying or weakening coverage and undermining innovation. 

“A number of states that had devoted months, if not years, to crafting comprehensive improvements to their Medicaid programs saw their hard work thrown away overnight as the Administration rescinded their waivers, seemingly for political reasons.  This approach undermines the state-federal partnership at Medicaid’s core and creates tremendous uncertainty, in addition to eliminating opportunities for innovation. 

“The Administration also announced plans to roll back a popular rule aimed at expediting access to lifesaving medical devices for seniors.  This regulation would be a game-changer for patients suffering from cancer, diabetes and a broad range of other conditions.  Disappointingly, it may never go into effect. 

“I stand ready and eager to work with the Administration and members of both parties to pursue policies that improve health care outcomes, expand access to life-saving drugs and devices, and drive down costs for both the consumer and the taxpayer.”  

Full text of Senator Crapo’s remarks can be found here
