Shaheen Helps Secure Numerous NH Priorities in CJS Appropriations Bill, from Addressing Substance Use Disorder Crisis to Violence Against Women & More

Source: United States Senator for New Hampshire Jeanne Shaheen

October 18, 2021

**Shaheen Also Advances over $13 million in Congressional Directed Spending in Support of more than a Dozen Granite State Priorities**

(Washington, DC) – U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), Chair of the Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies (CJS) Appropriations Subcommittee, issued the following statement on legislation released today by the Appropriations Committee to fund the federal government for fiscal year (FY) 2022. Through her leadership on this subcommittee, Shaheen helps write legislation that invests in important New Hampshire priorities, including funding for key federal programs that respond to the substance use disorder crisis, help domestic and sexual violence survivors, invest in law enforcement programs and much more.

“The provisions I wrote in this bill will help Granite Staters recover from the far-reaching consequences of the pandemic and become whole again. From responding to the substance use disorder crisis to the scourge of sexual assault – both of which were exacerbated by COVID – to creating jobs and boosting economic development, this bill addresses what I’ve heard from working families across New Hampshire and the nation,” said Shaheen. “I’m particularly pleased that the bill delivers the greatest funding ever to Violence Against Women Act programs, as well as substantial funding to help communities and first responders address substance misuse and the climate crisis. But we can’t limit our action to the immediate problems of today – we also need an eye towards the future. That’s why this bill also invests in American competitiveness on the global stage – ensuring our workforce is poised to lead in scientific innovation and space exploration in the years to come. These priorities are all essential to the success of families and communities across New Hampshire and our nation, and I look forward to working with lawmakers and the administration to see this bill signed into law.”

NH Priorities Secured by Shaheen in FY22 Senate Commerce, Justice, Science & Related Agencies Subcommittee Appropriations Legislation: 

Highest Funding Level Ever for Violence Against Women Act Programs 

For the fifth year in a row, Senator Shaheen successfully secured the highest funding level ever for Violence Against Women Act programs, totaling $760 million for the Office on Violence Against Women (OVW). This is a 48 percent increase from last year’s funding level and will support training officials, rape prevention programs, processing rape kits, domestic violence hotlines and women’s shelters and transitional housing support services.  Funding is provided for several new initiatives including a restorative justice program, a National Deaf Services Line and Special Assistant U.S. Attorneys to address violence against women in Indian Country. 

Throughout the pandemic, Senator Shaheen has worked to provide more resources and services to domestic violence survivors nationwide. Shaheen also recently called on Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to include funding for Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) programs in the reconciliation package.

Critical Funding for Department of Justice Anti-Opioid Grants  

Shaheen has led efforts in Congress to combat the substance use disorder epidemic through her leadership on this committee, and this year secured $615 million to help communities and first responders respond to substance crises, including opioid addiction and drug trafficking. This is $73.5 million higher than the FY21 funding level and includes $447 million for Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act (CARA) grants. These grants support programs like drug, mental health and veteran treatment courts and substance use disorder treatment programs administered by state and local correctional facilities. Earlier this year, Senator Shaheen helped introduce the bipartisan Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery (CARA) Act 3.0 to help combat the opioid epidemic by increasing the funding authorization levels for these programs. Shaheen also secured funding for the COPS anti-heroin task force and anti-methamphetamine task force programs. 

This funding builds on Shaheen’s extensive efforts to provide flexibility for treatment providers to use State Opioid Response (SOR) grant dollars to help patients suffering from meth and cocaine dependency, in addition to opioid use disorders. Shaheen’s efforts have led to a more than tenfold increase in federal treatment and prevention funding for New Hampshire.

Bolstered Funding to Support Victims of Violent Crimes & Bolstered Legal Services

A staunch advocate for the Crime Victims Fund (CVF), Shaheen successfully secured $2.65 billion for the fund this year – $635 million more than last year. This fund provides direct assistance and programs to survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse, human trafficking and other violent crimes. Shaheen is a leader in the Senate fighting in support of survivors. Earlier this year, Shaheen urged fellow lawmakers to overcome partisan politics and pass the VOCA Fix to Sustain the Crime Victims Fund Act. After her speech, the Senate approved the measure unanimously and President Biden signed the bill into law. The legislation redirects monetary penalties from federal deferred prosecution and non-prosecution agreements into the CVF in order to provide continued support for state victim compensation and assistance programs. Through her leadership on the CJS Appropriations Subcommittee, Shaheen has historically bolstered resources for the CVF. 

Shaheen also helped secure $515 million for the Legal Services Corporation, which is the largest funder of civil legal aid in the country with counsel on family law, domestic violence, housing and financial fraud. 

Support for Law Enforcement and to Enhance Police-Community Relations 

Senator Shaheen successfully secured $23.8 billion — $1.1 billion more than last year — for Department of Justice law enforcement agencies. This increased funding will allow the hiring of additional agents, deputy marshals, intelligence analysts and other personnel to help keep our communities safe.  She also secured $640 million for the Byrne-JAG program, which helps law enforcement agencies in New Hampshire and across the country, strengthens the criminal justice system and bolsters services for victims of crime.  Within Byrne-JAG, $416 million will go to support state and local criminal justice systems, an increase of $56 million more than last year.  Additionally, Shaheen helped allocate $248 million for Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Hiring, an increase of $11 million from the fiscal year 2021 level. This program supports state, local and tribal law enforcement agencies’ ability to hire, preserve and/or rehire law enforcement officers and increases community policing efforts.

Senator Shaheen worked to include $283 million for State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance and COPS Office grant programs to support programs that improve police-community relations. This is an 84 percent increase from last year’s funding levels, and will support programs on de-escalation, implicit bias, crisis intervention and training to respond to situations where individuals are mentally ill or disabled.

Increased Funding for the Economic Development Administration and Trade

Senator Shaheen secured $395 million for the Economic Development Administration (EDA), which awards infrastructure and planning grants to communities around the country. This level is an increase of $49 million above the prior year. It’s estimated this funding will generate $3.5 billion in local and private investment and support more than 30,000 American jobs this year. The Senator previously opposed efforts by the Trump administration to reduce or eliminate funding for the EDA, which has recently awarded grants to Granite State communities for a wide variety of projects ranging from flood control infrastructure in Plymouth to economic development projects in the Monadnock region. The EDA funding also includes $5 million to assist communities recovering from biomass plant closures.

Shaheen also secured $1.5 million for the Bureau of Economic Analysis to continue the annual assessment of the economic value of the outdoor recreation industry – a key sector supporting local economies across New Hampshire. This report, which was created as a result of the enactment of the Senator’s Outdoor REC Act, provides a comprehensive assessment of the role that outdoor recreation plays in supporting jobs and economic growth, allowing policymakers to craft legislation to further support the sector. The bill also provides $584 million for the International Trade Administration (ITA), which promotes American exports, supports small and medium-sized businesses and ensures fair trade practices on the global stage. This marks a $43 million increase above fiscal year 2021.

Investments in Science and to Advance U.S. Space Exploration 

Shaheen secured $9.49 billion – $1 billion higher than last year’s level – for the National Science Foundation (NSF). This funding will support U.S. competitiveness in key areas like quantum computing, artificial intelligence and climate science, as well as help build an innovative workforce fueled by a diverse pipeline of scientists and engineers. Shaheen also helped secure $1.49 billion for the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to invest in STEM programs that improve competitiveness of domestic manufacturers and strengthen domestic supply chains. Additionally, Shaheen secured $3 million to continue research into the prevalence of PFAS in firefighter personal protective equipment – marking a $1 million increase from last year’s funding. This research is a key component in Shaheen’s bipartisan bill, which was signed into law, that takes important steps to address concerns regarding firefighters’ occupational exposure to PFAS chemicals.

To support America’s continued leadership in space, Shaheen helped secure $24.8 billion for NASA. This is $1.5 billion higher than the fiscal year 2021 level and will support climate research, space missions and the launch of the powerful James Webb Space Telescope. The bill also includes funding to support the International Space Station and returning humans to the Moon.  Additionally, within the $7.9 billion Shaheen secured for NASA Science, $825.7 million is for NASA Heliophysics, an increase of $74.7 million above the fiscal year 2021 level. The University of New Hampshire is a leading heliophysics research institution, with instruments on 16 of 22 operating heliophysics missions.

Support for Ocean Research & Conservation Efforts and Weather Satellites

Senator Shaheen secured $730 million to support National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) research, including critical research to combat the climate crisis, marking a 19 percent increase from 2021. This funding will help coastal communities in New Hampshire and across the nation bolster their resilience to changing climate, as well as support ocean health and research. In addition, the bill invests in successful job-creating programs, sustainable economic development and environmental restoration.  The bill provides full funding to cover the full cost of at-sea monitoring in the New England groundfish fishery and an increase of $14 million for research and conservation efforts to protect the endangered North Atlantic right whale, including $10 million to help defray costs paid by the lobster fishing industry to protect right whales. The bill includes $6.5 million specifically targeted for research related to key New England seafood species, including to study the effects of climate change.

Additionally, Shaheen helped secure $405 million to continue construction of Polar Weather Satellites, which help forecast weather to protect property and economic security for families in New Hampshire and across the nation. One-third of U.S. GDP is affected by climate and weather – from farmers in the North Country trying to protect livestock and crops to climate disasters costing billions of dollars of damage.

In addition to annual programmatic funding priorities, Shaheen also worked to procure federal support for specific New Hampshire projects through the congressional directed spending process. These are listed below.

The programmatic priorities listed above and congressional directed spending projects listed below will next be considered for approval by the full Senate:

New Hampshire Projects:





Cheshire County Sherriff’s Office

Cheshire County Sherriff’s Office Radio Communications System


City of Keene, NH, Police Department

Keene Police Department Body-Worn and In-Car Camera Systems


Durham Department of Public Safety

Durham Radio Communications Infrastructure Upgrades


Greenland Police Department

Greenland Police Department Body Camera Upgrades


Greenland Police Department

Greenland Police Department Security Technology Enhancements


McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center

McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center Planetarium Enhancements


Merrimack Police Department

City of Merrimack County Radio Infrastructure Upgrades


Municipal Alliance for Adaptive Management

Great Bay Estuary Restoration Plan


Nashua Police Department

Nashua Police Department Interpretation and Translation Services


New Hampshire Department of Justice

Statewide Law Enforcement Community Policing Initiative


New Hampshire Fish and Game Department

Improving Protections for Endangered North Atlantic Right Whales and Mitigating Regulatory Impacts on U.S. Fisheries


NH Department of Safety-Division of State Police

Statewide Digital Law Enforcement Equipment and Technology Training


Plymouth State University

Technology and Equipment Upgrades


Strafford County

Strafford County Radio Infrastructure Upgrades


Town of Exeter Police Department

Exeter Police Department Body-Worn Camera Training


University of New Hampshire

Jackson Estuarine Lab Expansion and Renovation (to address water quality and support for coastal NH communities)


University of New Hampshire

University of New Hampshire Magnetometer Research and Education Facility


