Daines Calls for Renewal of the National Coal Council

Source: United States Senator for Montana Steve Daines


U.S. SENATE —U.S. Senator Steve Daines today joined a bicameral letter calling on Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm to renew the National Coal Council (NCC) in order to continue supporting coal production in Montana. 

“As global coal consumption is projected to increase, it is essential that the United States remains a leader in advancing coal and carbon related technologies. National Economic Council Director Brian Deese recently said, ‘The global nature of climate change also provides an opportunity for U.S. industry to help others meet their climate targets. We were once the arsenal of democracy for the world during World War II. We can again be an arsenal for the world dealing with climate change,’” the letter states.

The letter continues, “Denying newly mined coal a position in the domestic energy and manufacturing mix will come at a serious cost, both here at home and around the world. A politically driven rejection of understanding the benefits of newly mined coal and carbon research today kill thousands of jobs and innovation. It will leave our children and children around the world without the tools they need to both meet electricity demand and manage carbon.” 

Read the letter HERE.


Contact: Katherine McKeoghKatie Schoettler