Sen. Marshall: Americans are ‘panicked about inflation’

Source: United States Senator for Kansas Roger Marshall

Sen. Marshall: Americans are ‘panicked about inflation’

(Washington, D.C., October 13, 2021) – U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. was on FOX Business this morning to discuss out-of-control taxing and spending which is leading to record inflation. Additionally today, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) was released showing the highest increase in 13 years coming in at 5.4%. This record increase also means that Social Security recipients will see a 5.9% increase to their cost of living adjustment – the largest one-year increase in 39 years. On FOX Business, Senator Marshall said in part,
“The fight in Washington, D.C. right now is this: Do we want big government socialism or do we want economic freedom… If my town halls are any indication of where America is, America does not want this spending. People are not only mad, they are now panicked about inflation. This big spending and more borrowing is only going to add to inflation and President Biden’s policies [vaccine mandate] are going to make the labor shortage worse, which is only going to drive this inflation up more. But, you are absolutely right, everyone is now feeling the sting at the gas pump and at the grocery store – inflation is absolutely a top issue on the hearts and minds of Americans across the nation… There is a tidal wave coming out of those hard-working Americans who don’t like vaccine mandates and they don’t like the policies of this federal government that are leading to inflation, as well as open borders, and increased crime…”
You may click HERE or on the image below to watch Senator Marshall’s interview in its entirety.

Here is what they are saying about today’s CPI increase:
Associated Press: Social Security COLA largest in decades as inflation jumps
CBS News: Social Security recipients to get cost-of-living raise of 5.9%, biggest since 1982
FOX Business: Inflation surges by most in 13 years as energy prices spike
Bloomberg: U.S. Consumer Prices Outpace Forecast as Inflation Dogs Economy
CNBC: Consumer prices rise more than expected as energy costs surge
Wall Street Journal: Inflation Remained High in September
Reuters: U.S. consumer prices increase solidly in September