Senator Hassan Tours Cancer Detection and Treatment Company iCAD in Nashua During Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Source: United States Senator for New Hampshire Maggie Hassan

October 12, 2021

Senator Hassan Visits with iCAD Employees.

NASHUA – In recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, U.S. Senator Maggie Hassan (D-NH) toured iCAD, an innovative business in Nashua that provides cancer detection and therapy solutions for a variety of different cancers, including breast cancer. The company uses Artificial Intelligence technology to help health care providers more quickly and accurately detect breast cancer in patients.

“As we mark Breast Cancer Awareness Month, it’s important for all of us to recognize how many lives cancer has touched and encourage our loved ones to get screened for not only breast cancer, but other diseases as well,” Senator Hassan said. “I was glad to have the opportunity to visit iCAD in Nashua, which is doing innovative work to improve breast cancer detection and treatment. Their work is helping to transform our fight against cancer and I will continue supporting cancer research in Congress.”

Senator Hassan is working to support innovative businesses in New Hampshire and across the country. As Governor of New Hampshire, Senator Hassan doubled the supply of state R&D tax credits and made the credit permanent. Earlier this year, the Senate passed the historic, bipartisan United States Innovation and Competition Act, which also included key priorities secured by Senator Hassan to help boost the economy and harden critical infrastructure.
