Senate passes resolution celebrating National Wildlife Refuge Week

Source: United States Senator for Delaware Christopher Coons

WASHINGTON – Last night, the Senate passed a resolution sponsored by U.S. Senators Chris Coons (D-Del.) and John Kennedy (R-La.) to designate the week of October 10-16 as National Wildlife Refuge Week. The resolution celebrates the diverse ecosystems and wildlife found in our National Wildlife Refuges and the many recreational activities that they support including hunting, fishing, and wildlife observation. The National Wildlife Refuge System serves a critical role in wildlife conservation and helps to generate billions of dollars for local economies across the country each year.

“The National Wildlife Refuge System is vital to the protection of American wildlife and recreation, and I am proud to highlight its importance by advancing this resolution with my friend and colleague, Senator Kennedy,” said Senator Coons. “In Delaware, Bombay Hook and Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuges are essential habitats for our wildlife and provide recreational opportunities for Delawareans across the state. I look forward to continuing to support and protect our rich and diverse public lands.”

“As a sportsman, I’m thankful for the role national refuges play in conserving Louisiana’s vibrant wildlife,” said Senator Kennedy. “Louisianians are natural stewards of the environment because we know how important our wetlands are for protecting our fish, waterfowl and other species. National Wildlife Refuge Week gives everyone a chance to highlight America’s natural beauty and how we can preserve it together.” 

With more than 568 refuges and 38 wetland management districts located in every State and territory of the United States, the National Wildlife Refuge System contributes more than $3 billion to local economies and supports more than 41,000 jobs. 

The text of the resolution is available here.
