Lankford Pushes Back on Biden For Using Taxpayer Dollars for Abortion

Source: United States Senator for Oklahoma James Lankford


WASHINGTON, DC – Senator James Lankford (R-OK) today issued a statement on the Biden Administration’s final rule that will direct Title X Family Planning grants to abortion providers.

“This step by President Biden is yet another example of how he is the most pro-abortion president in our nation’s history,” said Lankford. “It is illegal for Title X grants to be used for abortion, and under President Trump that was rightly enforced. Nevertheless, President Biden and Secretary Becerra have shown the nation once again that they are more focused on expanding abortion than providing healthcare. It shouldn’t be controversial that with half of the nation opposing abortion, no taxpayer should be forced to fund abortion providers. I will continue to stand for every life—born or unborn—and will champion legislation to overturn this rule. Taking the life of an innocent baby is not healthcare.”

Lankford and his colleagues spoke out against the proposed rule in May because it revokes President Trump’s Protect Life Rule and removes requirements that Title X grantees be both physically and financially separate from abortion providers.  

Lankford has successfully defended life against the pro-abortion Administration. He introduced an amendment that saved the long-standing Hyde and Weldon Amendments, which prohibit the use of taxpayer dollars to fund abortions and abortion-related discrimination against health care workers, including insurers. Lankford applauded the Trump Administration when they proposed to redirect Title X Funding in 2018.
