ICYMI: Capito to Biden on Border Crisis: “It’s October”

Source: United States Senator for West Virginia Shelley Moore Capito

To watch Senator Capito’s remarks, click here or the image above.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), Ranking Member of the Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee, today joined a group of her colleagues in urging President Biden to finally address the ongoing southern border crisis. Senator Capito made the following remarks at a Senate GOP press conference highlighting the need to put back in place policies that deter illegal immigration and keep West Virginia’s communities safe.


ON NATIONAL IMPACT OF ONGOING BORDER CRISIS: “This does impact every single state in the union. No state is not a border state.”

ON BIDEN SHIFTING THE BLAME: “The administration – they didn’t have a plan. They keep throwing their hands up saying, ‘this is somebody else’s fault.’ It’s October. And the numbers are skyrocketing. It’s obvious we have an open border. It’s obvious by the thousands, tens of thousands, of Haitians that were in the Del Rio Bridge, where 11 babies were born during that period of time, that there is no plan.”

ON CHALLENGES FACING BORDER PATROL AGENTS: “These are heroes that we have on the border, trying to handle what has basically been no guidance, no effort to reign in, and no way to help and support our border patrol face this. They sent 2,000 agents down to Del Rio. These are agents that are disrupting drugs that are coming into West Virginia. These are agents that are making sure that the lawful commerce can go between our borders. These are agents that are away from their families, away from their own duty stations to fill in in what was called characterized as an emergency. And we’ve got another one coming. We know that.”

PLEASE, MR. PRESIDENT, DO SOMETHING: “I would implore the president and the vice president to act. It’s important to my state of West Virginia, it’s important to the nation. It’s important to people who were trying to get here legally. Where are they in this conversation? They’re barely even discussed.”

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