Booker Meets with New Jersey’s Haitian Community

Source: United States Senator for New Jersey Cory Booker

WASHINGTON, D.C – U.S. Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) today met with leaders of the New Jersey Haitian community and Haitian elected officials to discuss issues affecting the Haitian diaspora in the state and the treatment of Haitian immigrants at the Southern Border. The meeting occurred a week after images showed Border Patrol agents on horseback violently interdictingmigrants attempting to cross the Rio Grande River, and as nearly 2,000 Haitian immigrants, including more than 170 children, were deported back to Haiti.

“I was proud to join leaders of our state’s Haitian community for this important discussion and look forward to working together to ensure that our country’s immigration policies reflect our nation’s best values,” said Sen. Booker. “I unequivocally condemn the unconscionable violence and inhumane treatment Haitian migrants have experienced while seeking entry into the United StatesAs the political situation in Haiti deteriorates and the country endures the aftermath of another devastating earthquake, our nation must stop the cruel deportations of Haitians and live up to its highest ideals as a beacon of hope to people cast out of their native lands by violence, terror, persecution, oppression, and humanitarian disaster.”

“With the third most Haitian American elected officials in the U.S., the state of New Jersey and its leaders have a moral obligation to act in the Haitian migrants’ best interest by allowing them to stay in the U.S. with due process capabilities and legal representation,” wrote members of National Haitian American Elected Officials Network. “We firmly believe [Senator Booker’s] office can assist us in the execution of our strategic plans.”

“Thank you to Senator Booker for bringing light to and addressing this unthinkable crisis,” said Stanley Neron, Commissioner of the Elizabeth Board of Education. “Helping Haiti and our Haitian brothers and sisters is a humanitarian issue and we must work together to establish solutions that will save lives and provide a bright future.” 

“Thank you Senator Booker for having meetings to explore possible solutions to the border crisis,” said Pastor Jean Maurice, President of the Haitian Pastors Association. “The Biden Administration needs to put a halt on the deportation of migrants, reevaluate U.S. border policies, and offer resettlement programs for migrants pending due process.”