Graham, Blackburn to President Biden: Tell Migrant Caravan to Turn Around

Source: United States Senator for South Carolina Lindsey Graham

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) and Marsha Blackburn (R-Tennessee) today sent a letter to President Biden urging him to tell the massive migrant caravan approaching our southern border, “You must turn around”.

Graham and Blackburn wrote:

“For the sake of the vulnerable migrants preyed upon by smugglers, the brave men and women of your U.S. Border Patrol currently under siege, and those state and local law enforcement who work tirelessly in border communities to keep Americans safe, we call on you to immediately send a clear and concise signal to the massive caravan en route that they must turn around. Smuggling and trafficking should not be tolerated by the United States.”

“The continued capitulation constitutes an unconscionable threat to our national security. Terrorist and other transnational criminal syndicates will keep exploiting our weakness if you do not act. President Biden, you can still prevent further human suffering by sending a clear message to the caravan – “You Must Turn Around.” Failure to do so would be patently reckless.”

Full text of the Graham Blackburn letter is below.

September 30, 2021 

President Joseph R. Biden

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Ave., NW

Washington, D.C. 20500

Dear President Biden:

We write today to again express grave concerns about the escalating humanitarian and public safety crisis at our southern border. Despite your administration’s insistence that the United States does not have open borders, each month hundreds of thousands of migrants are emboldened by your policies to make the journey north. And now a caravan of over 15,000 migrants led by smugglers is making its way through Mexico towards our border.

For the sake of the vulnerable migrants preyed upon by smugglers, the brave men and women of your U.S. Border Patrol currently under siege, and those state and local law enforcement who work tirelessly in border communities to keep Americans safe, we call on you to immediately send a clear and concise signal to the massive caravan en route that they must turn around. Smuggling and trafficking should not be tolerated by the United States.

We cannot continue to surrender our southern border to drug cartels and coyotes. An open border like ours is a green light to those who see human life as a commodity. These traffickers, smugglers, and other terrorist groups wish only to line their pockets and cause harm, no matter the cost. The continued capitulation constitutes an unconscionable threat to our national security. Terrorist and other transnational criminal syndicates will keep exploiting our weakness if you do not act. President Biden, you can still prevent further human suffering by sending a clear message to the caravan – “You Must Turn Around.” Failure to do so would be patently reckless.


Lindsey O. Graham                                                                            Marsha Blackburn

U.S Senator                                                                                         U.S. Senator 
