Daines Blasts Biden’s Taxpayer-Funded Giveaway to the Abortion Industry

Source: United States Senator for Montana Steve Daines


U.S. SENATE —U.S. Senator Steve Daines today released the following statement in response to the Biden administration’s rule that dismantles the Trump-era Title X Protect Life Rule, which enforced a wall of separation between taxpayer-funded family planning programs and abortion.

“Since Day One, President Biden has been working to send taxpayer dollars to the abortion industry. Today’s rule change defies the law, and is yet another example of this Administration’s complete disregard for human life and the consciences of healthcare providers and American taxpayers. Abortion is not family planning, it is family destruction,” Daines said.

The Biden administration’s rule:

  • Allows taxpayer-funded Title X programs to support and promote abortion
  • Provides tens of millions of dollars in funding to Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry each year
  • Forces providers, including faith-based providers, to counsel and refer for abortion in a blatant violation of Federal conscience laws 


Senator Daines slammed President Biden’s Executive Order and proposed rule that led to today’s official reversal of the Trump-era rule. 

Senator Daines, along with Senator Ernst and 32 other Senators, sent a public comment letter opposing this pro-abortion rule change.  

Senator Daines recently called out the Biden administration for its budget request that would provide millions of dollars to Planned Parenthood through the Title X program.

In January, Daines introduced the Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act to bar Title X family planning funding for abortion providers like Planned Parenthood. 


Contact: Katherine McKeogh, Katie Schoettler