Shaheen, Hassan Honor Recipients of 2019-2020 Congressional Law Enforcement Awards

Source: United States Senator for New Hampshire Jeanne Shaheen

October 02, 2021

(Concord, NH) – U.S. Senators Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and Maggie Hassan (D-NH) honored members of New Hampshire’s law enforcement community Friday night at the New Hampshire Congressional Law Enforcement Awards in Concord. Delivering remarks, Shaheen and Hassan underscored the exemplary service of Granite State law enforcement on behalf of families and communities around the state.

“All of this year’s honorees have demonstrated exceptional service across the diverse set of duties that law enforcement provides to our communities. They have met some of New Hampshire’s and the nation’s most complex and pressing issues with poise and professionalism, often risking their own well-being in the process. Their devotion to New Hampshire families and investment in community policing to foster ties between law enforcement and the public they serve is critical to keeping Granite Staters safe, whether that be in response to the substance use disorder epidemic or even on the frontlines of the COVID-19 crisis. Our communities are forever grateful to these brave men and women, and I offer my sincere thanks to them and their families,” said Shaheen. “During this annual ceremony, we are reminded that we gather for this event to not only honor the officers who will receive awards, but those who serve each day with skill and professionalism, their families and especially those who have made the ultimate sacrifice. What our officers may consider ordinary or ‘just doing their job,’ we recognize as exceptional and are determined to support your work for our communities.”

“Congratulations to the award winners – and thank you for your commitment to the people of our state. Time after time you put your lives on the line, never knowing what the next call will bring, especially following more than a year of unprecedented challenges…So as you continue what are truly heroic efforts to keep the public safe, I look forward to continuing to working with all of you to build a stronger New Hampshire. I’ll keep working in the Senate to ensure that you have the funding and additional resources you need, because at the end of the day you are at the frontlines of our democracy by keeping each and every Granite Stater safe,” said Senator Hassan at the event.

Shaheen and Hassan have historically co-led a bipartisan resolution with Senator John Cornyn (R-TX), marking the first week of October National Community Policing Week. The Senators will once again team up next week to advance a resolution in recognition of community policing, which promotes the establishment of ties between law enforcement agencies and the public they serve to resolve issues within the community.