Portman Statement Regarding LtCol Stuart Scheller

Source: United States Senator for Ohio Rob Portman

October 1, 2021 | Press Releases

WASHINGTON, DC —Today, U.S. Senator Rob Portman (R-OH) issued the following statement regarding Marine LtCol Stuart Scheller, a Cincinnati native who was incarcerated early Monday for violating a gag order after he posted videos criticizing the chaotic evacuation from Afghanistan. He is currently not facing charges, but is being held in the brig in pretrial confinement in Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. He has made it clear he wishes to resign from the Marine Corps.

“I have consistently called for accountability from President Biden’s national security team for the rushed and chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan – a withdrawal that put our troops, Afghans who have helped us, and our NATO allies in danger, and risks giving terrorists safe haven to attack us again. LtCol Scheller’s calls for accountability are warranted in the wake of the poor strategic decisions that contributed to the tragic deaths of 13 service members on August 25th, including Max Soviak of Berlin Heights, Ohio.

I spoke with senior Marine Corps leadership about LtCol Scheller today and urged them to release him from the brig and allow him to resign from the service with full medical benefits and a pro-rated retirement, instead of pursuing legal action against him.  LtCol Scheller has bravely served his country for 17 years with multiple combat deployments, and I believe it is in his and the Marine Corps’ best interests to allow him to resign with an honorable discharge.” 
