Toomey Statement Opposing Bloated Government Funding Bill

Source: United States Senator for Pennsylvania Pat Toomey

Washington, D.C.—U.S. Senator Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) released the following statement after voting against a continuing resolution that included substantial, non-offset, unrelated spending. The legislation also re-authorized several programs without the reforms they need to remain viable.

“The legislation considered today included important funding to keep our government open, provide disaster relief, and support Afghan refugees. Unfortunately, as is common when the Senate considers a bill perceived as ‘must-pass,’ the occasion was exploited to add billions to our deficit for purposes that are only tenuously linked to recent disasters and not remotely emergencies. Other provisions will exacerbate the long-standing financial difficulties of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) by once again simply prolonging operations with no consideration of reform. One day Congress may start budgeting honestly and stop putting off hard decisions on programs like NFIP, but today was not that day.”