Senator Markey’s Statement on Senate Passage of Continuing Resolution to Avert Government Shutdown

Source: United States Senator for Massachusetts Ed Markey



Senator Markey’s Statement on Senate Passage of Continuing Resolution to Avert Government Shutdown


Washington (September 30, 2021) – Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass) released the following statement after the Senate passed the continuing resolution (CR) to avert a government shutdown.


“The Senate avoided one fiscal crisis today, but because of Republican obstruction, we are barreling toward a fiscal catastrophe by not raising the debt limit. Because Senate Republicans blocked a measure that would have funded the government and raised the debt ceiling together, they are endangering millions of jobs and risking default on our national debt, a debt fed in part by the Trump tax scam. Republicans clearly have no interest in protecting millions of Americans or doing their jobs as legislators, so Democrats need to eliminate the filibuster and raise the debt ceiling.”

