Sen. Cruz Issues Statement on Continuing Resolution

Source: United States Senator for Texas Ted Cruz

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) today issued the following statement on the Continuing Resolution to fund the government through December 3:
“Despite controlling the Senate, the House, and the White House, Democrats in Washington, D.C. have refused to govern responsibly and instead focused on radically transforming our country and destroying our economy with crushing tax hikes and spending sprees.
“Unfortunately, when they finally got around to funding the government, they cynically tied critical disaster relief to a dangerous ploy to bring in unvetted Afghan evacuees who could pose a security threat to the United States.
“The Democrats also shamefully took out a provision to replenish funding for Israel’s Iron Dome defense system. Speaker Pelosi and Leader Schumer were apparently too afraid of the leftwing radicals and socialists who control the Democrat Party to stand by our close ally Israel.
“Make no mistake: I would have gladly supported standalone disaster relief funding for Texas, which would provide critical assistance in our recovery efforts from Hurricane Laura and Winter Storm Uri. We also should have stood by our allies and provided needed funding for Iron Dome in this package.
“The legislation I voted against today will make America less safe. It gives President Biden a blank check to continue pursuing reckless policies that deepen the crisis caused by his botched withdrawal from Afghanistan. As we know, President Biden and his administration failed to vet tens of thousands of evacuees that it brought into the United States and explicitly confirmed they facilitated the trafficking of child brides and the travel of evacuees they later linked to security threats. This bill ignores those acute human rights and national security concerns and instead relies on an inadequate vetting procedure. It then provides evacuees with indefinite federal welfare benefits and enhanced IDs that facilitate access even to flights and federal buildings. I could not support a bill that will deepen this humanitarian catastrophe and prevent us from beginning to undo the damage President Biden has done.”