NH Delegation Announces More than $5M in American Rescue Plan Funding for Granite State Community Health Centers

Source: United States Senator for New Hampshire Jeanne Shaheen

September 30, 2021

(Washington, DC) – U.S. Senators Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and Maggie Hassan (D-NH) and Representatives Annie Kuster (NH-02) and Chris Pappas (NH-01) announced today that ten community health centers will receive a combined total of $5,367,583 through the American Rescue Plan that was signed into law in March to support facility construction projects.

“Ensuring our community health care centers have the facilities and capabilities necessary to meet the needs of the patients they serve is critical, especially as many providers have been overwhelmed by the influx of Granite Staters due to COVID-19. That’s why securing federal assistance for our frontline providers to complete necessary construction projects was an important effort during negotiations of the American Rescue Plan,” said Senator Shaheen. “I’m very pleased to welcome these funds to New Hampshire, where I know our health care providers will put them to good use to support the best level of care that Granite Staters deserve.”

“This is fantastic news for New Hampshire’s health centers, which have stepped up time and time again to help Granite Staters get the health care that they need. This funding will help modernize and update health centers and is just the latest example of the American Rescue Plan delivering for the American people and providing the critical relief needed to build back stronger from the pandemic. I’m glad to join Senator Shaheen and the rest of the New Hampshire delegation in pushing for this funding and will continue to work to make sure that New Hampshire’s health care system has the support and resources it needs to provide the best care for Granite Staters,” said Senator Hassan.

“Granite State community health centers are a lifeline to families in New Hampshire, and I am thrilled to see providers from across the state receive this federal funding to bolster their work so they can continue serving our communities,” said Rep. Kuster. “I was proud to help pass the American Rescue Plan Act to support frontline workers, families, and small businesses, and I will continue working to ensure no one is left behind as we recover and rebuild from this pandemic.”

“Granite Staters rely on our community health centers for countless services, and they have played an even larger role throughout the pandemic,” said Rep. Pappas. “These American Rescue Plan funds will help our health centers complete important construction projects and improve their ability to serve their communities, and I’m committed to continuing to fight for the resources they need to best serve their patients.”

Federal grants will go to the following recipients:

HealthFirst Family Care Center, Inc.


Lamprey Health Care, Inc.




Coos County Family Health Services, Inc.


Indian Stream Health Center




Manchester, City Of




Mid-State Health Center


Harbor Homes, Inc.

