News 09/29/2021 WHAT THEY ARE SAYING Blackburn Forces General Mark Milley To Admit He Leaked Private, Presidential Conversations

Source: United States Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn)

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) pushed the Biden administration’s military leaders for answers on the botched exit from Afghanistan during a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing with Secretary Lloyd Austin III, General Mark Milley, and General Kenneth McKenzie Jr. Senator Blackburn pressed General Milley for repeatedly leaking private conservations with the President to journalists.

WTAS On Blackburn Forcing Milley To Publicly Reveal He Leaked Private Conversations:

The Daily Signal, said, “Sen. [Blackburn] reveals TODAY is the FIRST time she is hearing from Austin, Milley, or McKenzie since the botched withdrawal despite repeated requests for information. Milley also acknowledged he spent HOURS with journalists—but he didn’t have time for Congress?”

For America, said, “Take away from Sen. Blackburn vs. Gen. Milley. Milley did speak with the authors but claims to not know what’s in the books. How convenient.”

Brent Bozell, Media Research Center, said, “You can always count on [Senator Blackburn] to hold feet to the fire. The people want accountability.”


Andrea Mitchell, NBC, said, “That may be a 1st: senator assigns 4star a book report? [Senator Blackburn] asks Jt Chiefs Chairman Milley whether authors he talked to accurately reported what he told them. He says he hasn’t read any of their books. She tells him to read them and report back to her!”


Jeremy Herb, CNN, said, “Sen. Blackburn, who asked the Q’s about whether he spoke to the authors, asks Milley to read the books and report back if he was accurately represented”

Elizabeth Landers, Vice News, said, “Milley tells [Senator Blackburn] he did speak with with several reporters for their Trump-related books, including the latest one from Woodward and [Robert Costa]: ‘Woodward yes, Costa no’”

Steve Herman, VOA, said, “Gen. Milley acknowledges speaking on background to four authors of recent books, but when asked by [Senator Blackburn] if the published accounts are accurate, he replies: ‘I didn’t read any of the books.’”

Josh Rogin, Washington Post Columnist, said, “Gen. Milley testifies he talked to [Bob Woodward], [Carol Leonnig and Philip Rucker] & [Michael Bender] for all of their books (all on background). [Senator Blackburn] asks him if they accurately depicted what he told them. Milley: ‘I didn’t read any of the books.’ Amazing.”



Click HERE to view Senator Blackburn’s opening remarks and first round of questioning where she demanded answers on the botched exit from Afghanistan.

Click HERE to view Senator Blackburn rebuking General Milley over his misplaced priorities, including leaking private conservations to reporters.