Cortez Masto Marks Fourth Anniversary of the Route 91 Harvest Festival Attack

Source: United States Senator for Nevada Cortez Masto

September 30, 2021

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Catherine Cortez Masto (D-Nev.) spoke on the Senate floor today to honor the victims of the worst mass shooting in modern American history, which took place nearly four years ago on October 1, 2017 at the Route 91 Harvest Music Festival in Las Vegas. Video of her full remarks is available here.

“For so many of us, 1October is a lingering presence—one that can return in a rush at the faintest reminder, like the sounds of sirens or fireworks. The day remains the deadliest mass shooting in modern American history.”

“While a nightmare unfolded around them, hundreds of people sprang into action to save lives, even at the risk of their own. Brave first responders rushed to the scene to direct people to safety and transport the wounded. Health care workers jumped into action. Ordinary Nevadans stood in line for hours in the days after the shooting to give blood to those in need. Businesses all over the state and country provided every imaginable support, from food to blankets to airline tickets. 

“I think about that contrast every time I think of October 1, 2017—between the darkness of the circumstances and the light of our community coming together in their aftermath. In the midst of terror and heartbreak, a whole city, a state, a country of people showed up to help one other. I am so proud of Nevadans whose first response to tragedy was to find a way to help their community heal these painful wounds.

“To the people of Las Vegas, who continue to grapple with the pain we experienced on that day, know that I am with you. We’ll continue to work to create a permanent memorial at the site of the shooting, to be a tangible reminder of what we know: that even in the darkest times, especially in the darkest times, we can come together to help one another, and we can make a difference.”                      
