Shaheen Welcomes Opening of Portal for Health Care Providers to Apply for $25.5 Billion in Provider Relief Funds

Source: United States Senator for New Hampshire Jeanne Shaheen

September 29, 2021

**Announcement follows Shaheen’s bipartisan push with Collins to distribute remaining COVID-19 relief for health care providers** 

(Washington, DC) – U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) today celebrated that funding for health care providers through the Provider Relief Fund (PRF) and American Rescue Plan (ARP) rural distribution is now available. Senator Shaheen previously pushed the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to distribute remaining COVID-19 relief for health care providers alongside Senator Susan Collins (R-ME), and in response HHS announced it would release $25.5 billion in awards. That funding includes $8.5 billion set aside for rural providers thanks to strong advocacy from Senator Shaheen, as well as $17 billion for PRF Phase 4 for a broad range of providers with changes in operating revenues and expenses.

Health care providers can submit their application for funding through both programs by October 26, 2021, at 11:59 p.m. ET. More information about the application portal and eligibility can be found here.

“With new COVID variants popping up, our communities still aren’t in the clear from this pandemic and health care providers on the frontlines need resources to save lives. That’s why I’ve spent months pushing for funding for health care providers so they can keep their facilities open and deliver essential care to patients,” said Shaheen. “I’m particularly pleased that the administration heeded my calls to set aside $8.5 billion for rural providers, including those in New Hampshire. These federal dollars can’t come soon enough to our hospitals, nursing homes and assisted living centers – this is a matter of life and death for patients across the country. I encourage providers to apply as soon as they can.”

“Hospitals and their health care heroes have been on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic for the past 18 months and the support from the Provider Relief Fund has been instrumental in helping them navigate these challenges.  But those challenges continue and it’s important that the additional resources be made available to help them continue their response to the pandemic in the face of increasing cases in New Hampshire.  We thank Senator Shaheen for her leadership in helping to not only secure these funds, but for working with the Administration to get them out to providers as quickly as possible,” said Steve Ahnen, President of the New Hampshire Hospital Association.

HRSA will host webinar sessions for Phase 4 and ARP rural applicants, featuring guidance on how to navigate the application portal:

During negotiations with the Senate and White House on the American Rescue Plan, Shaheen helped steer efforts to increase funding for the Provider Relief Fund to ensure hospitals, nursing homes and other health care providers on the frontlines have the support they need to keep their doors open and continue to care for Granite Staters and Americans across the country. Shaheen also defended the Provider Relief Fund from being considered as a pay-for amid negotiations on the historic bipartisan infrastructure legislation that recently cleared the Senate.
