Daines Talks Importance of Made in MT, America Energy in 2 Senate Hearings as Europe Faces Energy Crisis

Source: United States Senator for Montana Steve Daines


U.S. SENATE — Today in two different U.S. Senate Committee hearings today, U.S. Senator Steve Daines raised the importance of supporting Made in Montana and Made in America energy to avoid the kinds of energy shortages currently hitting Europe and ensuring Montanans have reliable access to affordable energy. Daines’ questioning and comments come as the Biden administration continues its war on American made energy, including not holding any new oil and gas lease sales and proposing a $3.5 trillion reckless tax and spending spree filled with Green New Deal priorities.

Questions to Treasury Secretary Yellen and Federal Reserve Chair Powell:

First, at a U.S. Senate Banking Committee hearing with U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell, Daines pressed Yellen to explain how the Biden administration’s dangerous, anti-American energy agenda would not put the U.S. in the same position as Europe, which is facing shortages and skyrocketing energy prices just to heat homes or keep the lights on.

Watch and download his remarks HERE.

“In the United States, we are very fortunate to have moved from being a net importer of energy to a net exporter. We were able to do this because the U.S. has a diverse mix of energy production, from natural gas, hydro, coal, wind, solar, nuclear, and many other sources. However, I am deeply concerned that the Biden Administration’s policies to curtail reliable, baseload power from oil, gas, and coal will send us back to where we were in the 1970s and to where the U.K. is today,” Daines said.

Questions to Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC):

Later, at a U.S. Senate Energy and Natural Resources hearing with FERC Commissioners, the federal agency responsible for ensuring Montanans and Americans have access to safe and reliable energy, Daines slammed Democrat proposals to increase taxes on energy sources like natural gas, as this would only increase energy costs for Montana families.

Watch and download his remarks HERE.

Daines then pressed the FERC Commissioners about his concerns that they are using their positions to slow permitting for energy pipelines—the safest and most environmentally friendly way to transport gas. He also spoke about the need to speed up permitting for hydro facilities, which is a renewable energy and accounts for nearly half of electricity generation for Montanans. Watch and download the exchange HERE


Contact: Katherine McKeoghKatie Schoettler