Toomey Criticizes Obstruction of PennEast Pipeline

Source: United States Senator for Pennsylvania Pat Toomey

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) today released the following statement after PennEast announced it was halting plans to construct the PennEast pipeline, which was a proposed 116-mile pipeline project from Luzerne County, Pa. to Mercer, County, N.J.
“Instead of moving forward on a sensible, shovel-ready infrastructure project—which would lower energy bills for consumers and manufacturers across eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey—Governor Phil Murphy’s administration abused their authority to impose interminable delays and impede the construction of the PennEast pipeline. In addition to costing jobs and hiking up energy costs, these misguided actions stifle the development of a critical natural resource that has helped drive U.S. carbon dioxide emissions down to their lowest level in 30 years. I am disappointed the pipeline won’t move forward due to New Jersey officials choosing politics over good policy.”
