Inhofe Votes Against Racking Up America’s Debt

Source: United States Senator for Oklahoma James Inhofe

U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) today voted against a continuing resolution and legislation that will allow Democrats to continue to increase their radical spending plans.

“This debt limit increase and continuing resolution is all about paving the way for the Democrats’ reckless tax and spend package—so I had no choice but to oppose it,” Inhofe said. “Democrats are in disarray—they have a unified government yet still can’t seem to fix this mess they’ve created. Instead of focusing on funding the government through regular order and working in a bipartisan manner, Democrat leadership continues to play party politics to ram their radical agenda into law. As long as they pursue that strategy, they shouldn’t expect any help from Republicans on the debt limit. Their attempts to further their far-left policies are bad for Oklahoma and our national defense. It is up to them to solve this.”