Senator Collins Visits Milford Fire Department to Announce Nearly $100,000 Grant

Source: United States Senator for Maine Susan Collins

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Milford, ME – U.S. Senator Susan Collins, a co-chair of the Congressional Fire Services Caucus, visited the Milford Fire Station to announce a $95,238 federal grant for the Milford Fire Department.  The funding, which will be used to purchase a fire sprinkler system for the station, was awarded through the Fiscal Year 2020 Assistance to Firefighters Grants program.

“Throughout our nation, we are grateful for the skill and courage of firefighters. Time and again, we see firefighters and other first responders confront danger while others flee to safety.  As a co-chair of the Congressional Fire Services Caucus, I recognize our gratitude must be matched by the resources these firefighters need to meet all challenges,” said Senator Collins.  “This funding will allow Milford Fire Department to purchase a new sprinkler system, which will create a safer work environment and better protect the dedicated firefighters who step forward to protect the community.”

Senator Collins has been a longstanding advocate for Maines’ first responders.  When the pandemic first hit early last year, she led a bipartisan effort to include $100 million in the CARES Act for the Assistance to Firefighters Grants Program, emergency funding that has helped improve firefighters’ safety while they continue to serve during the public health crisis.  She also annually leads a bipartisan letter to the Senate Appropriations Committee urging robust funding for FEMA’s firefighter grant programs, which she helped create.
