Manchin Announces An Additional $561K From The American Rescue Plan For Yeager Airport Runway Safety Project

Source: United States Senator for West Virginia Joe Manchin

September 24, 2021

Washington, DC – Today, U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, announced an additional $561,995 from the American Rescue Plan to the Central West Virginia Regional Airport Authority at Yeager Airport for a runway safety project. Yesterday, Senator Manchin announced $5,057,961 in annual funding from the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for the same project. The funding from the American Rescue Plan increases the total funding to $5,619,956 and federal match to 100 percent.

The funding will be used to conduct an Environmental Impact Study of the proposed Yeager Airport Runway Safety Project to expand the airport runway safety area.

“When I voted for the American Rescue Plan, it included $8 billion for airports, funding that continues to assist West Virginia airports recover from the pandemic and expand their operations. This funding from the American Rescue Plan is great news for our state, and ensures the runway expansion project at Yeager Airport is fully funded with a 100 percent federal match,” said Senator Manchin. “Yeager Airport serves as a hub for manufacturing and businesses, spurring economic development in the region. As a pilot myself, I am committed to helping West Virginia’s airports grow and thrive.”

“The EIS grant is a major step forward to realize the airport’s goal of increased runway safety areas as well as the significant economic impact it will have on the state. This project will ensure any effects on Coonskin Park can be properly mitigated and the park will receive a benefit before any further action is taken,” said Nick Keller, CEO and Airport Director of Yeager Airport.


In March of 2020, Senators Manchin and Capito, along with U.S. Representatives Alex Mooney (WV-02) and Carol Miller (WV-03) sent a letter to Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Administrator Stephen Dickson to show support for the proposed runway extension at Yeager Airport.