Graham, Waltz Statement On Call With Afghan Resistance Leader Ahmad Massoud

Source: United States Senator for South Carolina Lindsey Graham

WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) and U.S. Congressman Mike Waltz (FL-6) released the following joint statement.

“It was a great honor and privilege to talk to Ahmad Massoud, who is leading the Afghan National Resistance Front. We appreciated hearing his continued commitment to resisting the brutality of the Afghan Taliban and standing for basic human rights and freedoms. It is clear to us after this conversation that the Afghan Taliban are deeply unpopular and resented throughout the country. Their cabinet and forces are comprised of al-Qaeda and other listed terrorist groups. It is in America’s interest that the Afghan Taliban not be legitimized by the international community because they are, and have been, terrorists.

“Additionally, we call on the Biden Administration to resist any effort to recognize the Afghan Taliban as the government of Afghanistan and resist all calls to provide the Afghan Taliban representation at the United Nations.”
