VIDEO: Cornyn: Biden Administration Can’t Keep Ignoring Crisis at Border

Source: United States Senator for Texas John Cornyn

‘There will be another one right behind the Haitian wave, and it’s all because Joe Biden and his Administration either don’t care or they don’t know how to fix it.’

‘This is a problem of huge magnitude. If you look at our border communities that depend on cross-border trade and tourism, they are being devastated. They’re being overrun by these huge numbers.’

WASHINGTON – Today on Fox News’ America Reports, U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) discussed the influx of Haitian migrants arriving at the Texas-Mexico border and the Biden Administration’s failure to address this growing crisis. Excerpts of Sen. Cornyn’s remarks are below, and video can be found here.

“This is designed to fail. It will fail to deter not just the 15,000 Haitians that we’ve seen in Del Rio but the next wave of migrants who come in, because the Administration simply doesn’t acknowledge that what we have here is a flawed policy which provides a magnet for people to continue to come into the country because they know they can simply blend into the great American landscape.”

“This is what has been called ‘catch and release.’ Catch and release does not deter people from coming, it simply encourages more to come.”

“They are processing people into the United States, continuing the same policies that serve as a huge magnet for this humanitarian crisis. There will be another one right behind the Haitian wave, and it’s all because Joe Biden and his Administration either don’t care or they don’t know how to fix it.”

“I’ve got a bipartisan bill with Senator Sinema, also supported by Democrats and Republicans in the House, that would help stop the flow, but so far they’ve shown no interest.”

“If there’s no deterrence, no enforcement of our immigration laws, then they’re going to keep coming and the numbers are going to just get worse.”

“We’ve seen what’s happened with Joe Biden’s failed border policies for the first eight months he’s been in office, and I think we can expect this to continue into the future until he or Congress is able to do something about it.”

“If the federal government isn’t going to do the job, then our state leaders, Governor Abbott and others, have no choice but to do it themselves. This is a problem of huge magnitude. If you look at our border communities that depend on cross-border trade and tourism, they are being devastated. They’re being overrun by these huge numbers.”