Hoeven: Minot Selected for $9.8 Million Defense Community Infrastructure Grant to Support Minot Region’s Flood Protection Project

Source: United States Senator for North Dakota John Hoeven


Senator Made the Case to DoD, Will Join City Officials to Formally Accept the Grant at a Signing Ceremony Saturday in Minot

WASHINGTON – Senator John Hoeven today announced that the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) has selected the City of Minot to receive a $9.8 million grant to support the fifth phase of the region’s flood protection project. The award, which must be officially accepted by the city, is being made under the Defense Community Infrastructure Program (DCIP), a funding opportunity that Hoeven began advancing following a hearing of the Senate Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Committee in May. Hoeven will join city officials on Saturday at a signing ceremony to finalize and formally accept the grant, as well as outline the importance of the funding in advancing permanent flood protection for the region.

“This flood protection project is critical not only to the safety and prosperity of the communities in this region, but also to the efficient operation of the Minot Air Force Base’s two nuclear missions,” said Senator Hoeven. “As such, this DCIP funding is an investment in our national security. That’s the case we made to DoD and other federal agencies when seeking opportunities to fund the future phases of this important project, and we appreciate officials at the City of Minot and the air base for advancing this application and working with us to secure this funding. We look forward to formally accepting and finalizing the grant Saturday in Minot.” 

“Flood protection around Minot is a matter of economic and national security. It’s an irreplaceable part of how we keep the region’s communities open, economic opportunities available, and Air Force base fully operational,” said Senator Cramer. “Last year I was honored to lead the effort in the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee to authorize the Souris River Flood Protection Plan, and I am grateful for Senator Hoeven’s fervent leadership in securing funding on behalf of Minot.” 

Hoeven worked to secure the DCIP funding opportunity for Minot, including:

  • Making the case to military leaders that the 2011 flood posed a significant national security risk, as it inundated and damaged roadways that the 91st Missile Wing uses to access its fleet of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs). 
  • Working with DoD officials to identify funding sources that could be utilized to mitigate the risk of future flooding.
  • Coordinating efforts between local leaders and officials at the Minot Air Force Base to ensure a strong DCIP application and pressed DoD to approve the Minot proposal.

Today’s award comes as the latest in Hoeven’s efforts to advance comprehensive flood protection for the entire Souris River Valley. To this end, the senator is working to: 

  • Ensure the Corps has the funding it needs to conduct the Pre-construction Engineering and Design (PED) for the project’s fourth phase.
    • The senator recently urged Army Corps Chief Scott Spellmon to prioritize Minot’s PED funding in the Corps’ annual work plan.
    • This follows the senator’s successful efforts working with Senator Cramer to authorize the project in the year-end legislation passed by Congress in December.
  • Pursue Corps construction funding for Minot in the Senate’s bipartisan infrastructure legislation.
    • Minot will be eligible for the $2.5 billion included in the bill for the construction of Corps’ flood mitigation projects. 
