Senator Collins Delivers Inaugural Remarks at Husson University’s Distinguished Speaker Series

Source: United States Senator for Maine Susan Collins

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Bangor, ME – Today, U.S. Senator Susan Collins was featured as the inaugural speaker for Husson University’s new Distinguished Speaker Series at the University’s Richard E. Dyke Center for Family Business.  At the event, which was free and open to the public, Senator Collins shared some of the most recent efforts she has championed in the Senate to improve workforce development, infrastructure, and cyber security.  She also engaged in a wide-ranging Q&A with the audience.

“Husson has a long history of responding to needs, recognizing opportunities, and delivering real value.  I saw that history being written during my time here as the founding executive director of the Center for Family Business,” said Senator Collins.  “There are three challenges that I see facing the State of Maine and our country that I want to discuss: workforce development, infrastructure improvements, and cyber security.  Working together to address needs and move forward is a Maine ethic that guides my work in the Senate.  This year, I was honored to be named as the most bipartisan Senator for the eighth consecutive year.  That spirit of bipartisan cooperation, too often lacking in this polarized country, is needed now more than ever to confront the challenges facing our nation.”

“Senator Collins has devoted her life to public service and representing the people of Maine,” said Robert A. Clark, PhD, CFA, president of Husson University.  “Her first-hand insights into the inner workings of business and government will provide our students with a wealth of knowledge they wouldn’t otherwise be able to obtain.”

The purpose of Husson University’s new Distinguished Speaker Series is to educate students, alumni, and community members on the challenges facing businesses and related professions.  In addition, this series is designed to inspire those who will become our future leaders.  Launched in conjunction with the opening of Husson’s new College of Business building, this series includes dynamic speakers from a variety of disciplines ranging from banking, government and security, to management, marketing, and more. 

Prior to serving in the Senate, Senator Collins was appointed director of the Small Business Administration’s regional office in Boston by President George H.W. Bush, and she was the founding executive director of the Richard E. Dyke Center for Family Business at Husson University in Bangor.  In recognition of her numerous contributions to the University and the community, she was awarded an honorary doctorate of public service from Husson in 1997. 
