Shaheen Statement Ahead of 20th Anniversary of 9/11 Terror Attacks

Source: United States Senator for New Hampshire Jeanne Shaheen

September 10, 2021

(Manchester, NH) – U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) issued the following statement ahead of the 20th anniversary of the September 11 terror attacks:

“As we prepare to mark the twentieth anniversary of the September 11 terror attacks, my thoughts go to the lives impacted and forever changed on that tragic morning two decades ago: families of victims and first responders who were viciously taken, U.S. service members who signed up to serve and seek justice for their fellow Americans, and an entire nation of Americans – bonded by both grief and resilience – who, together, fought through our nation’s darkest hour,” said Shaheen.

She continued, “I was in Washington, DC that morning for an event on early childhood education – I’ll never forget looking out the window and seeing smoke pour from the Pentagon. We lost nearly 3,000 Americans that day, including Granite Staters, who we continue to mourn, love and honor. We as a nation experienced an immense trauma, one that sent shockwaves throughout the nation. But even in the immediate aftermath, Americans fought back by standing together. The determination and resilience of our citizens – the American spirit – got us through that day and every day that followed.

“As we look back on twenty years since September 11, 2001, my thoughts are with the families of those grieving a lost loved one, and all those struggling with the heaviness of this day. I hope we can continue to channel the feeling of solidarity that we felt two decades ago and stand by one another as we mourn and remember, today and tomorrow.”