Shaheen Celebrates Granite State Manufacturing Facility Expansion during Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony

Source: United States Senator for New Hampshire Jeanne Shaheen

September 10, 2021

**GSM plays an important role in the construction, operations & maintenance of the U.S. Navy’s submarine fleet.**


Earlier: Shaheen honors Derry’s Alan Shepard during NH DOT I-93 rededication ceremony.

(Manchester, NH) – Today, U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), a senior member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, delivered remarks at Granite State Manufacturing’s ribbon-cutting ceremony commemorating the expansion of its Nashua facility.  GSM systems play an important role in the construction, operations and maintenance of the U.S. Navy’s submarine fleet. The facility expansion will strengthen GSM and New Hampshire’s role in support of America’s national defense, while also creating new, good-paying jobs in the area.  

“The expansion of Granite State Manufacturing’s Nashua facility is a testament to the important role the company and New Hampshire play in support of our national security,” said Shaheen. “America’s submarine fleet relies on the contributions GSM makes each day to our submarine industrial base, and this expansion will strengthen the company’s ability to continue supporting and delivering the best-in-class welding and manufacturing solutions to the Navy, while also creating new, good-paying jobs here in Nashua. I offer my congratulations to the hardworking and dedicated workforce of GSM, and look forward to seeing their continued efforts on behalf of both our community and our nation.” 

As a member of the Senate Armed Services and Appropriations Committees, Shaheen has fought to support America’s submarine industrial base and the critical contributions New Hampshire businesses and manufacturers make to America’s national defense. Shaheen included millions in funding to prepare for the increased workload of the new Columbia Class submarine in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2021. She also secured $20 million in submarine workforce development funding last year. The NDAA for FY 2022 that was recently approved by the Senate Armed Services Committee earlier this year would authorize $130 million to increase submarine procurement, which would help expand the submarine industrial base in support of the Virginia and Columbia-class programs. 

Earlier, Shaheen participated in the New Hampshire Department of Transportation’s ceremony rededicating I-93 in honor of Derry native and astronaut Alan Shepard. As one of the original NASA Mercury Seven astronauts, the first American to fly in space, the fifth man to ever walk on the moon and the commander of Apollo 11, Shepard is a pivotal figure in the history of America’s space program. Today’s rededication celebrates and preserves his legacy for present and future generations.

“Alan Shepard was a pioneer of the American space program. He helped push the limits of science and further our understanding of the universe. I was pleased be on hand this afternoon to rededicate I-93 in his name, which will preserve and celebrate the accomplishments of one of New Hampshire’s most beloved sons for generations to come,” said Shaheen. “Throughout his life, Alan was also a champion of scientific advancement and STEM education, which is why, as Chair of the Appropriations Subcommittee that funds NASA, I’m committed to honoring Alan’s legacy by advocating for funding that supports these efforts, which will help ensure more of our young people are able to follow in his footsteps and reach for the stars.”