Menendez, Booker Applaud Biden for Major Disaster Declaration for Additional Counties Hit Hard by Tropical Storm Ida

Source: United States Senator for New Jersey Bob Menendez

JERSEY CITY, N.J. – U.S. Senators Bob Menendez and Cory Booker (both D-N.J.) today applauded President Biden and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for adding Essex, Hudson, Mercer and Union counties to the Major Disaster Declaration that was first issued to several counties on Sunday. The declaration will make these counties eligible for more federal resources as areas recover from damage caused by Tropical Storm Ida.

The storm caused historic flash flooding, tornadoes and record rainfall, and resulted in the tragic deaths of at least 27 New Jerseyans. On Sunday, FEMA approved the Major Disaster Declaration for Bergen, Gloucester, Hunterdon, Middlesex, Passaic and Somerset counties.

“I’m glad President Biden approved a Major Disaster Declaration for these additional counties that were hit hard by the storm,” said Sen. Menendez. “With this declaration, Essex, Hudson, Mercer and Union counties now have access to greater federal assistance and resources to help residents, families, and businesses rebuild and get back on their feet. There is still more work to be done and I look forward to going back to Washington next week to fight for additional federal resources to help our state and region.”
“Last week, New Jersey experienced the devastating impacts caused by the remnants of Hurricane Ida,” said Sen. Booker. “This amended disaster declaration will allow more communities in our state to get the critical federal assistance they need for their relief efforts. I was proud to work alongside Senator Menendez and the rest of the New Jersey delegation to get this vital aid for our state and am grateful to President Biden for his decisive response to this crisis.”

On Wednesday, Sen. Menendez visited a Red Cross shelter in Paterson and called for greater federal aid for flood ravaged parts of the state. Sens. Menendez and Booker joined the state’s entire congressional delegation in urging Congressional leaders to pass an emergency disaster supplemental bill to rebuild homes, businesses and infrastructure affected by the storm.

Last week, the senators led the entire congressional delegation in a letter urging President Biden to approve Governor Phil Murphy’s request for a Major Disaster Declaration. They also applauded President Biden when he issued an Emergency Declaration after the senators pushed for swift federal action.