Inhofe Remembers September 11 Attacks, Mourns Lives Lost

Source: United States Senator for Oklahoma James Inhofe

U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.), today released a statement on the upcoming anniversaries of the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001 and September 11, 2012, when we lost four brave Americans in Benghazi, Libya. Inhofe remembered the men and women who lost their lives and honored our first responders and our service members who have and continue to fight the War on Terror:

“As we remember and honor the lives lost twenty years ago on September 11, I wanted to remember the many brave men and women who have lost their lives fighting for our country since that fateful day. These service members paid the ultimate sacrifice to keep our country safe, and I am eternally grateful for their service. We will never forget you, nor the many others who have given their lives for our freedom.”

Inhofe’s commentary on the tragic current situation in Afghanistan appears in the September 2021 issue of The Ripon Forum.