Sen. Cramer, Goldman Sachs CEO Discuss Climate Solutions with North Dakota Energy Producers in First Installment of Bully Pulpit Speaker Series

Source: United States Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND)

BISMARCK – U.S. Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND), a Senate Banking Committee member, hosted Goldman Sachs CEO David Solomon in North Dakota today for a visit to the University of Mary, where the two met with business school students and participated in a town hall with stakeholders from the energy and financial industries. The town hall served as the first installment of Senator Cramer’s new speaker series entitled “The Bully Pulpit”, where he will host a variety of influential public and business leaders in North Dakota to hear from constituents and share their expertise in a format designed for constructive discussions.

“The Bully Pulpit will serve as an opportunity for North Dakotans to showcase their great skills and potential, which is exactly what happened today with Mr. Solomon as we discussed financial discrimination, energy innovation, and environmental protections,” said Senator Cramer. “North Dakotans understand as well as anybody that the key to lowering carbon emissions while maintaining reliable and affordable energy is supporting innovative efforts like carbon capture. This would reinforce our energy security, grow our economy, and reduce our reliance on dirtier foreign energy. I am thankful for Mr. Solomon’s time and input and for all who participated in today’s events. I hope they lead to increased opportunities for our state.”

The senator met with Mr. Solomon in May to invite him to North Dakota and to discuss the financial industry, American energy and economic policy, and Senator Cramer’s Fair Access to Banking Act, which would prevent financial service providers from discriminating against constitutionally-protected industries and law-abiding, credit worthy businesses. It builds on the Trump Administration’s proposed Fair Access Rule and expands on legislation Senator Cramer introduced last Congress. Learn more here.

After Senator Cramer delivered opening remarks at the townhall, he and Mr. Solomon heard presentations and answered questions from Larry Keane of the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), Charles Gorecki of the Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC) at the University of North Dakota (UND), Mac McLennan of Minnkota Power Cooperative, Jeff Jonson and Loren Kopseng of Rainbow Energy, and Gerald Backmeier of Red Trail Energy. The event was livestreamed on Senator Cramer’s YouTube channel. Click here to watch.