Texas is Open for Business

Source: United States Senator for Texas Ted Cruz

I want to update you on my work in Texas this last week, hearing from agricultural producers, business owners, and community leaders on the needs of their communities and the Lone Star State’s continued leadership in our nation’s recovery.
While the Texas economy was a theme during my meetings this week, the unfolding rushed and catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan has been a recurring concern for many Texans. I, along with countless other Texans and Americans, have condemned the Biden Administration’s broken promises to not leave Americans behind, trapped in Afghanistan, and to not let our military equipment fall into the hands of the Taliban. The President’s withdrawal has been marked by disaster and disgrace.
At the same time, I join all Americans in gratitude for our troops, who have shown unparalleled courage and self-sacrifice across the decades that America has fought in Afghanistan. The world has seen over the last several months-day by day and often hour by hour-how they sought to rescue their fellow citizens and our Afghan allies from the brutality of Taliban rule. America will forever be in the debt of our brave service members.
On Tuesday, I toured the Genesis World Group corporate headquarters in Tyler, a leading software company providing innovative resources to Texas businesses. I discussed with company leaders the needs of a growing business in Texas. While there, I was able to test out a drone they developed to help first responders assess emergencies quickly and respond appropriately — a possibly life-saving innovation.Next, I headed to Lufkin to participate in a roundtable discussion with local leaders, hosted by Mayor Mark Hicks.
In my roundtables with East Texas community and business leaders, I asked them to share issues that weighed on their hearts-the challenges facing Texas and the country. I heard their concerns about ensuring Texas job growth and continuing innovation as our economy recovers. They told me they see the price of gasoline going through the roof and see the cost of groceries and lumber rising. As I have long said, Inflation in Texas and across the country is a cruel tax on seniors and those with fixed incomes. On top of that, Democrats are proposing trillions of dollars in new taxes that will burden families and small businesses. These rising taxes could have devastating impacts on jobs and working families in East Texas.
I assured East Texas leaders and businesses I would continue leading the fight for low taxes, fewer regulations, and keeping our families and communities safe. This means securing the border and supporting our law enforcement and servicemen and women are crucial. I will also protect our fundamental rights: free speech, religious liberty, and the Second Amendment because those are the values of East Texas and remain my values.
On Wednesday, I traveled to Wichita and talked with local small business owners, community leaders, and elected officials to discuss Texas jobs, the economy, and the needs of their community.
In our discussion, every small business owner around the table told me they were concerned about the new regulations, trillions of dollars of spending coming from Washington, and the new taxes wasteful spending could fuel.
I assured them my goal continues to be Texas job and wage growth-letting small business owners run their businesses and hire more employees. Since two-thirds of all jobs come from small businesses, I continue to lead the fight in the Senate against wasteful spending that inhibits an environment in Texas and across the country that empowers small businesses to keep growing and prospering.
Following the roundtable, I spoke to local reporters about the best way to get people back to work and keep Texas businesses hiring:
“Last year, we saw a shutdown to small businesses all over the country that had a devastating, devastating impact on millions of small businesses, whether restaurants, bars, theaters, stores, and a devastating impact on millions. Now, as the economy is coming back, we’re still seeing small businesses having a really hard time bringing their employees back. And by the way, I’m hearing that every part of the state everywhere I go, as I talk to small business owners, they express that same concern. Unfortunately, government policies play a big part. […] It’s real simple: people respond to incentives, and if the government comes in and pays you more money to stay at home than to go to work, a whole lot of people are going to choose not to go to work. So I think the government policy ought to stop making it hard for people to go back to work. One of my favorite phrases is that the social safety net should be a trampoline and not a hammer. That’s the whole point of unemployment, it should be, ‘Listen, people fall on hard times, and you need help when you fall on hard times. But the objective should be to get back to work, to get you back on your own feet providing for your family, providing for your kids.’ I think that’s what most Texans want-it certainly is what the small business owners in Wichita Falls want.”
On Thursday, I headed to West Texas to meet with Amarillo and Lubbock cattle ranchers, agriculture producers, and energy industry leaders and hear their concerns about the policies in Washington affecting the agri-business community in the panhandle and South Plains area.
I have always been proud to stand with the farmers and ranchers of Texas. Texas agri-business is a critical part of the West Texas economy and Texas as a whole-feeding Texas, America, and the world while providing stable jobs. During our roundtable discussion, I heard continued concerns about proposed new taxes that could devastate farms, ranches, and small businesses in West Texas communities. We discussed the need to eliminate the harmful step-up in basis tax hike that will hurt family farms, ranches, and other critical small agriculture jobs that have been the backbone of the Lone Star State since the very beginning.
Continuing this state work period, I will meet with officials and community leaders throughout Texas, including local law enforcement, and will head to South Texas to hear concerns of our border communities and servicemen and women.Keep Texas Strong,
Sen. Ted Cruz
MORE ON SEN. CRUZ IN TEXAS:Longview News-Journal – Cruz launches drone, has harsh words for DemocratsKETK Tyler – Sen. Ted Cruz talks issues facing East Texas while touring Tyler software companyLongview News-Journal – Cruz says no on mandates, yes to vaccines
KFDX Wichita Falls – Senator Ted Cruz talks jobs and local business in Wichita FallsKVII Amarillo – Sen. Cruz visits Amarillo