Senator Coons on former Gov. Markell’s appointment as White House Operation Allies Welcome Coordinator

Source: United States Senator for Delaware Christopher Coons

WILMINGTON, Del. – Today, U.S. Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.), a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, issued a statement on former Gov. Jack Markell’s appointment by President Biden to serve as the White House Operation Allies Welcome Coordinator.

In this role, Markell will coordinate the Biden administration’s resettlement policy development and engage with state and local governments, the private sector, and non-governmental organizations to support the resettlement of Afghan evacuees in the United States.

“Gov. Markell is a dedicated and capable public servant with the experience, intelligence and character to skillfully coordinate what will be a challenging nationwide effort to ensure our Afghan partners from America’s longest war are safely resettled in the United States,” Sen. Coons said. “I look forward to supporting him in this work and to helping rebuild our nation’s capacity to welcome evacuees.”