Sen. Cruz on Biden-Zelensky Meeting: ‘Solar Panels Aren’t Going To Deter Russian Aggression’ Enabled By Nord Stream 2

Source: United States Senator for Texas Ted Cruz

HOUSTON, Texas – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, released the following statement after the meeting today between President Biden and Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky:”The reports from today’s meeting between President Biden and President Zelensky are disheartening. The Biden-Harris administration remains committed to allowing Vladimir Putin to complete his Nord Stream 2 pipeline. The decision is catastrophic on its own terms, a missed opportunity to begin rebuilding American credibility, and a violation of mandates passed into law by Congress to impose sanctions on the project.”Nord Stream 2 will directly and acutely endanger the national security of our allies, gift Putin with a generational win, and undermine the safety of Americans. Congress has given the President the authority to impose sanctions that will stop the pipeline, and mandated that he impose those sanctions. Doing so would not only avert these disasters, but also show the world that the United States is aware that we must not abandon our allies to our adversaries.”Instead today President Biden mostly paid lip service to Ukraine’s security and then pivoted to tired, partisan rhetoric about climate change and green energy. This is the stuff of university faculty lounges, not the real world. Solar panels aren’t going to deter Russian aggression. That requires resolute American action aimed at ensuring our allies’ energy security, integrity, and infrastructure, all of which are prerequisites to their-and ultimately our-national security.”