Crapo: Questions Remain About Withdrawal from Afghanistan

Source: United States Senator for Idaho Mike Crapo

August 31, 2021

Washington, D.C.–U.S. Senator Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) issued the following statement following the announcement the United States has officially withdrawn troops from Afghanistan. 

“America’s longest war has now concluded.  The hasty withdrawal–tied to an arbitrary deadline–resulted in the murder of 13 U.S. servicemembers and an unknown and dangerous future for Americans and Afghan allies who still remain in country.  The Taliban cannot be trusted, and their terrorist activity poses a continued threat across the globe.  With the news the United States officially completed its mission in Afghanistan, many questions remain about the poor execution of our withdrawal from the region.   

  • Did the Biden Administration have information and fail to make choices that could have prevented a terrorist attack killing 13 U.S. servicemembers and over 150 Afghan civilians?
  • What was the Biden Administration’s rationale for closing the strategic Bagram Air Base before all American and ally personnel were out of country?
  • Did the Administration willingly give the city of Kabul over to the Taliban, an international terrorist group?
  • What U.S. military assets and equipment are now in the possession of the Taliban?
  • What is the Administration doing to protect the hundreds of U.S. citizens and thousands of allies they left behind?
  • Did the Administration pass the names of U.S. Citizens, Legal Permanent Residents, SIV recipients and other vulnerable Afghans to the Taliban during the evacuation process, putting their lives at additional risk?
  • Why did the Administration not take steps to enhance the processing of SIV and other cases linked to the U.S. Embassy in Kabul prior to our evacuation? 

“The Administration’s string of colossal failures regarding this withdrawal must be brought to light.  It is imperative Congress conduct oversight of our withdrawal from Afghanistan and ensure full accountability. 

“I offer my thanks to both diplomatic and military personnel charged with an impossible mission in this limited amount of time, and continue to pray for the families and friends of the 13 brave servicemembers we lost in this endeavor.  The sacrifices made by our servicemembers over the last 20 years cannot be understated.  They have served with valor, distinction and honor.” 
