Sasse Statement On Death Of Nebraska Marine In Afghanistan

Source: United States Senator for Nebraska Ben Sasse

U.S. Senator Ben Sasse released the following statement after it was announced that a Nebraskan, Corporal Daegan William-Tyeler Page, was one of the Marines killed outside the Kabul airport in a terror attack yesterday.

“Corporal Daegan William-Tyeler Page gave his life defending Americans and our allies in the chaos of the Kabul airport. He fought to keep this nation’s promise that we leave no man behind, and now Nebraskans will keep our promise to honor his sacrifice and his family’s sacrifice. Americans are filled with grief and anger. Heroes like Corporal Page never failed us — Nebraskans will not fail them. Melissa and I join countless others across our state in prayer for Corporal Page’s entire family and for all the Americans who are still in harm’s way.”